

Construction of Sponge Land under the Flag of Ecological Civilization
魏铁军 马永欢

        ecological civilization, sponge land, land and resources, sustainable development
        生态文明理念对海绵国土建设具有重要理论指导意义。文章坚持目标与问题导向的研 究思路,在分析生态国土面临问题的基础上,总结了生态国土建设的国内外实践,旨在修 复陆地生态系统,提高国土资源涵养水源、调蓄洪水的能力。加强海绵国土建设是应对极 端气象事件,科学利用自然,促进人地和谐发展,努力建设美丽中国,实现中华民族永续 发展的智慧之路。
        Sponge land, as an important aspect of the construction of ecological land, aims to expand and deepen the construction of sponge city. It mainly includes reasonable use of atmospheric precipitation by means of strengthening the construction of green land infrastructures, giving full play to the absorption, storage, infiltration and controlled release of ecological systems on rainwater, such as forest, grassland, wet land, farmland and underground river, etc., and effectively controlling the overland runoff of rainwater in order to enhance the capability of seepage, backwater, impoundment, purification, water use and drainage of land resources, “discharge” stored water as required and make use of it, and realizing the new concept of land resources management of natural circulation, natural accumulation, natural permeation and natural purification. Through the construction of sponge land, we can absorb and use rainwater to the maximum extent, form the security system for rivers and lakes basically, reduce flood disaster to the greatest extent, strive to ensure that rivers and lakes do not shrink, their functions do not decay, and the ecology does not degrade. Strengthening the construction of sponge land, restoring the ecological land system and improving the capability of water source storage and flood adjustment of land resources are the road of wisdom to confront extreme weather, scientifically use nature, strive to build up beautiful China, realize the permanent development of Chinese nation and promote the harmonious development of mankind and the earth. Adhering with the research idea of target and problem orientation, this article summarizes main experiences in ecological land construction both home and abroad, from the perspectives of land reclamation, construction of sponge city, mother cistern, horizontal ditch, fish-scale pit and ecological farmland returning and green infrastructures and based on the analysis of ecological land problems in our country, aiming to provide examples for the construction of sponge land. Developing the construction of sponge land requires to insist on the basic construction direction that combines water source storage and flood adjustment, transform the concept of development, establish the ideas of ecological civilization of respecting nature, conforming to nature and protecting nature, actively transform disadvantages into advantages and realize water diversion in meteorology. Plan the layout of the construction of sponge land scientifically, and especially strengthen the prevention and control of water and soil loss in black soil area in the northeast, windy desert area in the north, earth-rock mountain area in the north, yellow soil plateau area in the northwest, red soil area in the south, karst area in the southwest and Qinghai-Tibet Plateau area. Strengthen the integrated construction of sponge city and sponge village, accelerate the restoration and protection of the ecological system, implement the quality enhancement of the ecological system and boost the construction of sponge land steadily.
国土资源部信息中心副主任(副司级)、博士、研究员,国土资源部国土资源战略研究重点实验室负责人; 国土资源部首届优秀青年科技人才(百人计划);国家行政学院客座研究员,西安交通大学、中国地质大学兼职教 授。主要从事自然资源管理体制改革研究以及矿产资源法律改革等方面的研究工作。
E-mail: tjwei@infomail.mlr.gov
Wei Tiejun
The first outstanding youth technology talent of Ministry of Land and Resources (100-Talent Programme); deputy director of the Information Center of Ministry of Land and Resources (vice-departmental level), doctor, researcher, director of key lab of strategical research for land resource of Ministry of Land and Resources; visiting researcher of National College of Administration, part-time professor of Xi’an Jiaotong University and China University of Geosciences. He mainly engages in the research of reform of the management system for natural resources, and law reform of mineral resources, etc.
E-mail: tjwei@infomail.mlr.gov

男,国土资源部信息中心研究员,国土资源科学技术奖获得者,国土资源部青年才俊奖获得者,全国国土规 划专家咨询委员会成员,全国国土规划纲要核心编制组成员,国土资源高层次创新人才培养工程——杰出青年科技人 才培养计划入选者,主要从事国土资源战略与可持续发展等领域的研究。
E-mail: yhma@infomail.mlr.gov.cn
Ma Yonghuan
Male, a professor of Information Center of Ministry of Land and Resources, a laureate of Land and Natural Resources Science and Technology Award, a laureate of cream of young men award, a member of the expert advisory committee of Chinese territorial planning, a member of key decision-making group of Chinese territorial planning, and also a nominee of Outstanding Young Scientific and Technological Talents in Land and Natural Resources. His major research fields are natural resources strategy and sustainable development.
E-mail: yhma@ infomail.mlr.gov.cn