Development Mode and Countermeasures for International Ecotourism Zone along the Belt and Road
Development Mode and Countermeasures for International Ecotourism Zone along the Belt and Road
董锁成 赵敏燕 郭鹏 石广义 李宇 李泽红 王隽妮 朱少卿
the Belt and Road, international ecotourism zone, green industry, development mode
“一带一路”沿线国际旅游合作始于 20 世纪 90 年代,“加强旅游合作,扩大旅游规
型升级的战略产业。文章提出 7 项针对性对策建议;(1)通过顶层设计,推进建立“一带一
The international tourism cooperation along the Silk Road began in 1990's, and strengthening tourism cooperation and expanding
the scale of eco-tourism have become the highlights of the cooperation of the Belt and Road Initiative. It is of great significance to establish
the international eco-tourism zone along the Belt and Road, based on natural and cultural eco-tourism resources, and set up International
Eco-tourism Network, develop eco-tourism as green industries and one of the leading sectors of the national economy. These are not only to
promote the overall development of tourism resources, but also can solve the dilemma of ecological fragmentation and economic backwardness.
By implementing the ecological civilization tourism mode and comprehensive tourism mode, it is designated to realize the general goal of
international ecotourism zone, i.e., constructing two centers, four belts, and seven areas, and shape the tourism industry into a strategic leading
industry of international tourism collaboration, thus promote China's ecological economy and tourism industry transformation and upgrading.
This paper tries to put forward 7 suggestions, through top-level design to promote the establishment of the International Ecotourism Alliance of
the Belt and Road and demonstration areas; to strengthen infrastructure and tourism facilities interconnection; to establish the financial support
system through government administrations; to build international ecological tourism brand; to actively expand international cooperation; to
protect forest resources through dynamic monitoring and evaluation; to strengthen the construction of international talents team and supporting
ability for science and technology, consequently to provide reference for ecotourism development strategy of the Belt and Road Initiative.
家科技基础专项重点项目、国家自然科学基金重点项目以及国际合作项目、部委重点研究和地方项目90 余项,其中
主持完成张家口市崇礼大区滑雪旅游规划,为中国申办 2022 年冬奥会提供了科技支撑,主持完成中国北方及其毗
著 300 余篇部,其中专著 20 余部;获国家“五个一”工程奖、中科院杰出成就奖和部委科技进步奖等 14 项;主笔
撰写的 9 项重要咨询报告分别获国务院前总理朱镕基和温家宝批示以及中办、国办采用,在国家决策中发挥了重要科技支撑作用。
E-mail: dongsc@igsnrr.ac.cn
Dong Suocheng
Executive vice Chairmen and Secretary General of the International Scientist Union of “the Belt and Road Initiative”, Leading professor and PhD supervisor, director of Regional Ecological Economics Research and Planning Center, Director of Resource Economics Research Center, deputy director of Tourism Research and Planning & Design Center, Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences and University of Chinese Academy of Sciences. He was a leading scientist of Key Project of the National Scientific and Technological Basic Research. Professor Dong has been acting as director of Committee of Regional Ecological Economics of Chinese Society of Ecological Economics, member of Green Industry Expert Committee of China, UNIDO, and director of Committee of Resource Economics Research of China Natural Resources Society, and served as Advisory Board member of Global Research Network of Human Habitat, UN, from the year 2004 to 2009. He focuses on the theory and practice of regional eco-economics and resource economics, and put forth the ecological civilization mode, Chinese circular economy mode, eco-city mode and comprehensive tourism mode, which are widely implemented in many areas of China. He presided and completed more than ninety key research projects of National Natural Science Foundation of China, international cooperation, key research programs of the ministries and local governments. He presided and completed Zhangjiakou Chongli area’s ski tourism planning, which provided scientific and technological support for China's bidding to host the 2022 Winter Olympic Game in Beijing and Zhangjiakou. He was in charge of the state key project Comprehensive Scientific Expedition of Northern China and its Adjacent Areas (Russia and Mongolia), which provided scientific support for Silk Road Economic Belt and RussianMongolian-China Economic Corridor Planning. Professor Dong published over 300 academic papers and books, and obtained more than 12 awards including the National Five Project Award, Outstanding Achievement Prize of Chinese Academy of Sciences and other provincial and ministerial awards. Professor dong wrote nine important advisory reports, which were approved by former Premier Zhu Rongji and Wen Jiabao, and were adopted by the office of the State Council that provided important scientific and technological supports for national socio-economic development decision making. E-mail: dongsc@igsnrr.ac.cn
李宇:男,中科院地理科学与资源所副研究员,硕士生导师,中国科学院大学岗位教授,“一带一路”国际科学家联 盟智库骨干专家,中国生态经济学会区域生态经济专业委员会秘书长。曾获中国自然资源学会优秀科技奖、国土资源 部土地利用规划编制优秀成果奖、河北省城乡规划编制优秀成果奖,近年发表论文30余篇,主笔完成的多份关于资源 环境承载力与区域可持续发展咨询建议报告获得国家领导人批示。 E-mail: liy@igsnrr.ac.cn
Li Yu
Male, Core Expert of Think Tank of the International Scientist Union of “the Belt and Road Initiative”,Vice-researcher and master’s supervisor of Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, a professor of University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, and secretary general of Regional Ecological Economics Committee of China Society for Ecological Economics. He was respectively honored with award of outstanding technology, outstanding fruits of land use planning, outstanding fruits of urban and rural planning by China Society of Natural Resource, Chinese Ministry of Land and Resources and Hebei Province. Resent years, he published more than 30 papers, and wrote many consulting reports about resource environmental capacity and regional sustainable development as the main author which were approved by state leaders. E-mail: liy@igsnrr.ac.cn
E-mail: dongsc@igsnrr.ac.cn
Dong Suocheng
Executive vice Chairmen and Secretary General of the International Scientist Union of “the Belt and Road Initiative”, Leading professor and PhD supervisor, director of Regional Ecological Economics Research and Planning Center, Director of Resource Economics Research Center, deputy director of Tourism Research and Planning & Design Center, Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences and University of Chinese Academy of Sciences. He was a leading scientist of Key Project of the National Scientific and Technological Basic Research. Professor Dong has been acting as director of Committee of Regional Ecological Economics of Chinese Society of Ecological Economics, member of Green Industry Expert Committee of China, UNIDO, and director of Committee of Resource Economics Research of China Natural Resources Society, and served as Advisory Board member of Global Research Network of Human Habitat, UN, from the year 2004 to 2009. He focuses on the theory and practice of regional eco-economics and resource economics, and put forth the ecological civilization mode, Chinese circular economy mode, eco-city mode and comprehensive tourism mode, which are widely implemented in many areas of China. He presided and completed more than ninety key research projects of National Natural Science Foundation of China, international cooperation, key research programs of the ministries and local governments. He presided and completed Zhangjiakou Chongli area’s ski tourism planning, which provided scientific and technological support for China's bidding to host the 2022 Winter Olympic Game in Beijing and Zhangjiakou. He was in charge of the state key project Comprehensive Scientific Expedition of Northern China and its Adjacent Areas (Russia and Mongolia), which provided scientific support for Silk Road Economic Belt and RussianMongolian-China Economic Corridor Planning. Professor Dong published over 300 academic papers and books, and obtained more than 12 awards including the National Five Project Award, Outstanding Achievement Prize of Chinese Academy of Sciences and other provincial and ministerial awards. Professor dong wrote nine important advisory reports, which were approved by former Premier Zhu Rongji and Wen Jiabao, and were adopted by the office of the State Council that provided important scientific and technological supports for national socio-economic development decision making. E-mail: dongsc@igsnrr.ac.cn
李宇:男,中科院地理科学与资源所副研究员,硕士生导师,中国科学院大学岗位教授,“一带一路”国际科学家联 盟智库骨干专家,中国生态经济学会区域生态经济专业委员会秘书长。曾获中国自然资源学会优秀科技奖、国土资源 部土地利用规划编制优秀成果奖、河北省城乡规划编制优秀成果奖,近年发表论文30余篇,主笔完成的多份关于资源 环境承载力与区域可持续发展咨询建议报告获得国家领导人批示。 E-mail: liy@igsnrr.ac.cn
Li Yu
Male, Core Expert of Think Tank of the International Scientist Union of “the Belt and Road Initiative”,Vice-researcher and master’s supervisor of Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, a professor of University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, and secretary general of Regional Ecological Economics Committee of China Society for Ecological Economics. He was respectively honored with award of outstanding technology, outstanding fruits of land use planning, outstanding fruits of urban and rural planning by China Society of Natural Resource, Chinese Ministry of Land and Resources and Hebei Province. Resent years, he published more than 30 papers, and wrote many consulting reports about resource environmental capacity and regional sustainable development as the main author which were approved by state leaders. E-mail: liy@igsnrr.ac.cn