Effect of Organic Fertilizer on Soil Quality: A Review
Effect of Organic Fertilizer on Soil Quality: A Review
董元华(中国科学院南京土壤研究所 南京 210008)
organic fertilizer;soil quality;sustainable management
有机肥的合理施用可以提高土壤肥力质量和农产品品质、增加土壤生物多样性。但有机肥中含有重金属、抗生素、激素与内分泌干扰物、病原生物、抗性菌等污染物及抗性基因的扩散, 有机肥农用可能会对土壤环境质量、健康质量及食品安全造成威胁。此外, 有机肥同化肥一样, 不合理施用也会造成土壤次生盐渍化、土壤N、P积累与淋失、增加温室气体排放等。文章综述了有机肥对土壤肥力质量、环境质量和健康质量的影响, 并对今后的研究趋势进行了展望。
The Effect of organic fertilizer on soil has been one of the important research topics in sustainable utilization of soil. Proper application of manure can improve soil fertility and the quality of agro-products, as well as enhance the biodiversity of the soil ecosystem. However, due to the contaminants such as heavy metals, antibiotics, estrogens, pathogens, antibiotic resistance bacterial and resistance genes contained in organic fertilizer, it can potentially threaten the soil quality, food safety, and health quality. Moreover, similar to chemical fertilizer, improper application of organic fertilizer can result in the risk of secondary soil salinization, leaching of nitrogen and phosphorus, and emission of green-house gases. This paper reviews the effect of organic fertilizer on soil fertility, soil environment and health quality. It also provides an outlook for future research.