

China Spallation Neutron Source and Southern Advance Light Source
中国科学院高能物理研究所 北京 100049
CHEN Hesheng
Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
        Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area;comprehensive national science center;China Spallation Neutron Source;synchrotron radiation light source;Southern Advanced Light Source
        China Spallation Neutron Source provides a large multidisciplinary platform for advanced neutron scattering research and application for cutting-edge research in basic science and many fields of the national demands. Its comprehensive performance is in the international advanced level, and has significantly improved the scientific and technological capability and innovation abilities in related fields. The successful construction of China Spallation Neutron Source has greatly promoted the development of the national large science and technology infrastructure in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, and provides important support to the comprehensive national science center in the Greater Bay Area. The synchrotron radiation light source and the spallation neutron source are “a perfect combination” for studying the microstructure of materials. Synchrotron radiation light source is the “necessary facility” in the world’s famous Greater Bay Area. The future development of the Greater Bay Area requires an advanced light source. The future plan of large science research infrastructure in the Greater Bay Area should be incorporated into the plan of the national science and technology infrastructure. It is suggested that the Southern Advanced Light Source should be jointly hosted by the Guangdong provincial government in conjunction with relevant city governments, and the Hong Kong and Macao Special Administrative Region governments. Such strong alliance will explore a new model of scientific and technological innovation cooperation in the Greater Bay Area.