Resetting educational thinking in the era of digital intelligence
Resetting educational thinking in the era of digital intelligence
深圳零一学院 深圳 518118;清华大学深圳国际研究生院 深圳 518055
ZHENG Quanshui1,2
X-Institute, Shenzhen 518118, China;Tsinghua Shenzhen International Graduate School, Shenzhen 518055, China
深圳零一学院 深圳 518118;清华大学深圳国际研究生院 深圳 518055
ZHENG Quanshui1,2
X-Institute, Shenzhen 518118, China;Tsinghua Shenzhen International Graduate School, Shenzhen 518055, China
the era of digital intelligence;educational thinking;innovation-motivated education;growth
当前,人类社会正处于从工业时代到数智时代的大转折中,整个教育领域急寻全新的底层逻辑来重塑。工业时代教育的重点在于人类的低阶思维的培养——知识的学习、掌握和应用,但这些功能正加速被人工智能所替代。数智时代教育的重点必须转移至人类的高阶思维——想象未来、创造未来。文章通过关键案例展示过去15年清华大学钱学森班和深圳零一学院的实践和成效,展现了一种数智时代教育范式的希望之光——以创新为内生动力牵引成长的教育 (简称“创生教育”)。创生教育的底层逻辑是内因的重要性最大,其次才是外因和基因,这从根本上颠覆了工业时代教育的重要性次序。希望文章能引起对如何进行未来教育和创新急剧变革试点的广泛讨论和大胆尝试。
Human society is currently undergoing a profound transition from the industrial era to the era of digital intelligence, prompting an urgent need to redefine the foundational logic of the education sector. In the industrial era, education focused on cultivating lower-order thinking skills—knowledge acquisition, mastery, and application—all of which are increasingly being supplanted by artificial intelligence. In contrast, the digital intelligence era demands a shift towards fostering higher-order thinking skills, such as envisioning and creating the future. This paper presents key cases and highlights the practices and achievements of the Tsien Excellence in Education Program at Tsinghua University and the X-Institute over the past 15 years, shedding light on a new educational paradigm: Innovation-Motivated Education. This paradigm emphasizes innovation as an intrinsic force for growth, prioritizing internal factors over external influences and genetics, fundamentally reversing the industrial-era hierarchy of educational values. It is hoped that this paper will inspire widespread discussion and bold experimentation on pioneering transformative changes in future education and innovation.