Analysis of recent development in energy storage technology in China from perspective of patents
Analysis of recent development in energy storage technology in China from perspective of patents
北京大学 能源研究院 北京 100871
JIANG Mingming1
Institute of Energy, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China
北京大学 能源研究院 北京 100871;中国石化石油勘探开发研究院 北京 102206
JIN Zhijun1,2*
Institute of Energy, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China;Petroleum Exploration & Production Research Institute, SINOPEC, Beijing 102206, China
北京大学 能源研究院 北京 100871
JIANG Mingming1
Institute of Energy, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China
北京大学 能源研究院 北京 100871;中国石化石油勘探开发研究院 北京 102206
JIN Zhijun1,2*
Institute of Energy, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China;Petroleum Exploration & Production Research Institute, SINOPEC, Beijing 102206, China
new energy;energy storage technology;electric energy storage;mechanical energy storage;chemical energy storage;hydrogen energy
“双碳”目标的实现,离不开可再生能源的大规模装机应用,但可再生能源发电具有间歇性、波动性等特点,先进的储能技术能够平抑新能源波动并提升消纳能力而备受关注。专利作为技术创新的重要信息载体,能够直接反映出储能技术目前的研究热点,以及未来的热点方向和地位。文章主要基于世界知识产权组织门户网站“WIPO IP Portal”,主要分析对象为储能技术专利数量排名世界前8位的国家——美国、中国、法国、英国、俄罗斯、日本、德国、印度;以每个储能技术为主题词,对这8个国家的研究人员或机构发表专利数量情况进行统计。同时,文章基于已授权专利重点梳理了目前中国所有储能技术及其未来发展态势,主要集中在电气式储能、机械式储能、化学式储能、热能式储能和氢能方面的前沿研究方向。总结出中国目前储能技术集中向核心部件或材料、装置、系统等方面攻关,核心目标是降本增效,早日实现大规模商业化应用;如何整合多种储能成一个系统以利用风、光等可再生能源供电、供热,将是未来最关注的焦点。
The achievement of the “dual carbon” goal is closely tied to the widespread implementation of renewable energy, however, renewable energy generation is characterized by intermittency and volatility. Advanced energy storage technology plays a crucial role in mitigating the fluctuations of new energy sources and enhancing their absorption capacity. Patents serve as important indicators of technological innovation, directly reflecting current research trends and future directions in energy storage technology. This paper primarily relies on the “WIPO IP Portal” website provided by the World Intellectual Property Organization to analyze the comprehensive strength of eight leading countries including the United States, China, France, the United Kingdom, Russia, Japan, Germany, and India. The analysis focuses on various energy storage technologies with statistics on patents issued by researchers or institutions from these countries. Additionally, this study examines China's current state of energy storage technology based on authorized patents and explores its future development trends across electric energy storage systems (EESS), mechanical energy storage systems (MESS), chemical energy storage systems (CESS), thermal energy storage systems (TESS), and hydrogen-based energy storage systems (HESS). It concludes that China’s current focus lies in core components or materials research for efficient cost reduction aiming at large-scale commercial applications. Furthermore, how to integrate a variety of energy storage into a system to use renewable energy such as wind and light for power supply and heating will be the focus of interest in the future.