

Trading policy, practice and prospect on marine carbon sequestration in China
福州市规划设计研究院集团有限公司 福州 350108
DONG Jingming1
Fuzhou Planning & Design Research Institute Group Co. Ltd., Fuzhou 350108, China
1 福州市规划设计研究院集团有限公司 福州 350108
LIU Zifei2*
1 Fuzhou Planning & Design Research Institute Group Co. Ltd., Fuzhou 350108, China
福州市规划设计研究院集团有限公司 福州 350108
CHEN Limei1
Fuzhou Planning & Design Research Institute Group Co. Ltd., Fuzhou 350108, China
        marine carbon sequestration trading;marine carbon sequestration policy;carbon trading policy;blue carbon trading;marine ecological restoration
        海洋碳汇交易是推进海洋生态文明建设、海洋强国等战略的内在要求和有效机制。文章分析比较了我国海洋碳汇交易的政策与实践,并对未来进行了展望。结果表明在碳市场建设、“双碳1+N”政策框架下,我国海洋碳汇交易顶层制度初具基础,具体表现在:国家层面出台实施了多部海洋碳汇标准;在地方层面上,部分区域发布和实施了典型海洋碳汇交易的核算指南或方法学,操作性政策正在逐步构建;个别区域开展了海洋碳汇交易的探索性实践,探索性交易涉及红树林、双壳贝类、大型藻类、盐沼等交易标的,以及直接购买、参加保险、质押贷款、拍卖等交易方式。我国海洋碳汇的政策规范和探索性交易,为未来更加规范的海洋碳汇交易积累了宝贵的经验。然而,不健全的交易流程、不规范的审查和报告、缺乏监督的平台和普遍较低价格等因素,降低了海洋碳汇在碳资源优化配置及蓝色经济转型升级中应发挥的作用。为此,文章提出了推进未来海洋碳汇交易发展的建议:将海洋碳汇纳入以中国核证自愿减排量 (CCER) 为核心的交易体系,加快标准和方法学研制以健全操作性政策,改进交易流程、健全方法、多元化主体,并开展针对性的实践。
        Marine carbon sequestration trading is the inherent requirement and effective mechanism for marine eco-civilization development, maritime economic strategy. The research compares and analyzes the policies and practices of China’s marine carbon sequestration trading, and looks forward its future development tendency. It is pointed points out that under the framework of the national Dual Carbon goals, especially in “1+N” policy, the top-level system of China’s marine carbon sequestration trading has initially formed. Many relevant industry standards have been introduced and implemented at the national level. Then at the local level, some regions have introduced and implemented marine carbon sequestration calculation guidelines or methodologies of typical marine carbon sequestration. In addition, the operational policy of marine carbon sequestration trading is gradually being formulated. Furthermore, some areas have carried out exploratory practices of marine carbon sequestration trading, including mangroves, bivalves, macroalgae, salt marshes, and other trading targets. The trading methods being practiced include purchase, insurance, credit loans, auctions, and other means. The policy development and exploratory trading of marine carbon sequestrations have accumulated valuable experience for more standardized trading of marine carbon sequestrations in the future. However, issues such as non-standard processes, non-standard verification and reports, lack of trading platforms, and the low-price nature, have led to the slow progress of the optimal allocation of carbon resources and the transformation of marine economy. As such, the research recommends on how marine carbon sequestrations trading should be promoted in the future, including the inclusion of marine carbon sequestrations into the China Certified Emission Reduction (CCER) -based trading system, the improvement of operational policies focusing on methodological development, and the optimization of trading processes, methods, platforms, etc.