

Construction of World-class Universities with Chinese Characteristics is an Effective Practice of Integrating Education, Technology, and Talent Training——Taking University of Science and Technology of China as an Example
中国科学技术大学 合肥 230026
BAO Xinhe
University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei 230026, China
        first-class universities;integrated deployment;strategy for revitalizing the nation through science and education;talent development strategy;innovation-driven development strategy
        教育、科技、人才一体化部署为新征程上中国特色世界一流大学建设提供了推进保证,指明了前进方向。 “双一流”(建设世界一流大学和一流学科)战略的实施,是党中央、国务院作出的重大战略决策,对于提升我国教育发展水平、增强国家核心竞争力、奠定长远发展基础,具有十分重要的意义。在此背景下,高水平研究型大学作为国家战略科技力量的重要组成部分,应在“教育、科技、人才”一体化部署中走在前列。文章以中国科学技术大学推进中国特色世界一流大学建设为例,试图探讨在中国科学院“全院办校、所系结合”办学方针的指导下,不断推进教育创新和科技创新,在科教兴国战略、人才强国战略、创新驱动发展战略中发挥的作用。
        Integrated deployment of education, technology, and talent training provides a guarantee for Chinese universities on the new journey to construct themselves into world-class universities with Chinese characteristics and indicates the direction for them to march on. The implementation of the "double first-class" (building a world-class university and first-class subject) strategy is a major strategic decision made by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council. It is of great significance for improving China's education development level, enhancing the country's core competitiveness, and laying the foundation for the long-term development. In this context, universities should take the lead in the deployment for the integrated development of education, technology, and talent training. Taking the University of Science and Technology of China as an example, this study attempts to explore how the construction of first-class universities plays a role in the implementation of the strategy for revitalizing the nation through science and education, the talent development strategy, and the innovation-driven development strategy.
包信和 中国科学院院士、发展中国家科学院院士和英国皇家化学会荣誉会士。中国科学技术大学校长。主要从事能源高效转化相关的表面科学和催化化学基础研究,以及新型催化过程和新催化剂研制和开发工作。
BAO Xinhe Academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), Fellow of the World Academy of Sciences for the advancement of science in developing countries (TWAS) and Honorary Member of HonFRSC. President of University of Science and Technology of China. He is mainly engaged in the basic research of surface science and catalytic chemistry related to energy efficient conversion, as well as the research and development of new catalytic processes and new catalysts.