

Trends, Practices and Policy Suggestions of Innovation-driven Digital Transformation of Social Services
穆荣平 蔺洁 池康伟 王婷

        innovation-driven, social services, digital transformation, policy suggestions
        党的十九大报告明确指出“我国社会主要矛盾已经转化为人民日益增长的美好生活需要和不平衡不充分的发展之间的矛盾”。为破解这一矛盾,迫切需要把握创新驱动社会服务数字转型发展战略机遇,推动社会服务高质量发展。文章研判了政务服务、教育服务、医疗卫生服务、养老服务、就业服务、公共安全服务等社会服务领域创新驱动数字转型发展趋势,梳理了发达经济体创新驱动社会服务数字转型的政策实践,总结了中国创新驱动社会服务数字转型发展的成效,明确中国创新驱动社会服务数字转型的发展思路,并提出4 个方面政策建议:(1)构建社会服务数字转型发展技术创新体系;(2)推进创新驱动数字赋能政府服务流程再造;(3)推动创新驱动数字赋能公共服务转型发展;(4)营造数字赋能社会服务转型政策法律环境。
        The report of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China clearly pointed out that ‘the principal contradiction in Chinese society has evolved into one between unbalanced and inadequate development and the people's ever-growing needs for a better life’. In order to solve this contradiction, it is urgent to grasp the strategic opportunity of innovation-driven digital transformation to promote the high-quality development of social services. The article has studied and judged the trends of innovation-driven digital transformation of social services such as government services, education services, medical and health services, elderly care services, employment services and public security services, combed the policy practices of developed countries and organizations to promote the innovation-driven digital transformation of social services, and summarized the achievements of innovation-driven digital transformation of social services in China, then ensure the development views and put forward the policy suggestions of China’s innovation-driven digital transformation of social services: (1) Build a technological innovation system for the digital transformation and development of social services; (2) Promote innovation-driven digital transformation of government service process reengineering; (3) Promote the innovation-driven digital transformation and development of public services; (4) Create a policy and legal environment for the innovation-driven digital transformation of social services.
E-mail: mrp@casisd.cn
MU Rongping
Professor at Institutes of Science and Development, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), Director of Center for Innovation and Development, CAS, Dean of School of Public Policy and Management, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Chairman of the Chinese Association of Science of Science and S&T Policy Research. He is also in the National Development Planning Expert Committee, and the National Intellectual Property Expert Advisory Committee. His main research interests include innovation development policy, technology foresight and industrial competitiveness. E-mail: mrp@casisd.cn

蔺 洁
中国科学院科技战略咨询研究院副研究员,中国科学院大学管理科学与工程博士。主要研究领域为创新发展政策、区域创新发展评价。合作主编出版中国创新发展报告系列《中国区域创新发展报告》,在《科研管理》《科学学研究》《科学学与科学技术管理》等核心期刊发表多篇论文。E-mail: linjie@casisd.cn
Associate Professor of Institutes of Science and Development, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), Ph. D. in management science and engineering from the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences. Her research interests focus on innovation-driven development policy and regional innovation development evaluation. She has collaboratively published The Report of Regional Innovation and Development. Her papers have been published in leading academic journals, such as Science Research Management, Studies in Science of Science, Science of Science and management of S&T. E-mail: linjie@casisd.cn