

International Strategy of Man and the Biosphere Programme of Germany and Its Implications to China
中国人与生物圈国家委员会秘书处 北京 100864;中国科学院 国际合作局 北京 100864
XIAN Yijie1,2*
Secretariat of Chinese National Committee for the UNESCO's Man and the Biosphere Programme, Beijing 100864, China;Bureau of International Cooperation, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100864, China
中国科学院 国际合作局 北京 100864
Bureau of International Cooperation, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100864, China
国际科学理事会 灾害风险综合研究国际计划办公室 北京 100094
HAN Qunli3
International Programme Office of Integrated Research on Disaster Risk, International Council for Science, Beijing 100094, China
中国人与生物圈国家委员会秘书处 北京 100864;中国科学院水生生物研究所 武汉 430072
WANG Ding1,4
Secretariat of Chinese National Committee for the UNESCO's Man and the Biosphere Programme, Beijing 100864, China;Institute of Hydrobiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan 430072, China
        Man and the Biosphere Programme (MAB);biosphere reserve;sustainable development;development assistance;international cooperation;global governance
        自20世纪90年代中期起,德国将联合国教科文组织的“人与生物圈计划”( MAB)及其主要抓手——生物圈保护区作为一条参与全球治理的途径。德国的举措包括:阐明该国有关MAB国际化的立场,即着重发展伙伴关系、强调对外发展援助具有实效性,以及确保行动路线清晰并具有可操作性;建立联邦多机构协同机制,集聚外交、财政、智力和技术等资源支持他国生物圈保护区的发展;面向全球,尤其是优先关注非洲。德国的案例显示,该国利用MAB参与全球治理的动力来自MAB自身所具有的机制上的灵活性,以及MAB核心使命符合并便于统筹该国及国际社会的共同利益。基于德国的经验,同时考虑中国当前在国际合作领域面临的挑战和机遇,建议中国有关部门:深入认识MAB在品牌、议题和机制上的优势;将MAB纳入国家对外发展战略和行动计划,并动员国家多部门的力量,尤其是协调相关政府部门与中国科学院共同领导中国MAB国际化事业,并积极促成涵盖政策制定者、科学研究者、金融提供者和民生服务者等多方力量支撑机制的形成;充分发挥MAB在中国长期发展中积累的科技优势的示范和引领作用;深化中德两国在MAB领域面向未来的国际合作。从长远上来看,中国MAB的国际化战略宜以生态文明和人类命运共同体理念帮助凝聚全球共识,并借助MAB这一广泛且具有灵活性的平台加强南北合作及南南合作,为可持续发展等全球治理共性议题作出贡献;而且在中国当前面临的充满巨大挑战的国际环境下,还可通过加强面向欧洲等区域的合作,协助打开中国国际合作新局面,进一步支撑国家整体外交。
        Since mid-1990s, Germany has developed the UNESCO's Man and the Biosphere Programme (MAB) together with its biosphere reserves into a pathway of enhancing the nation's role in global governance. Measures took by Germany include:clarifying the national position in the globalization of German MAB, including putting more emphasis on partnership development, highlighting the effectiveness of development assistance, and ensuring the clearance and feasibility of action plan; collecting resources from foreign affairs, finance, intellectual, technology, etc., by multi-federal sector collaborative mechanism, to support the development of biosphere reserves of other countries; thinking globally and taking priority over Africa region. The example indicated that the driving force behind the globalization of German MAB includes the flexibility on mechanism of MAB itself, and the correspondence and unification of common benefits of the nation and international community by the core mission of MAB. Based on the experience of Germany and in view of the challenge and opportunity in the area of international cooperation of China, the authors suggest Chinese government to:enhance the awareness of the advantage inherited in the brand, topic, and mechanism of MAB; incorporate MAB into the international strategy and action plan of China, and mobilize multi-sector resources especially coordinating governmental sectors of the area to collaboratively lead the globalization of China MAB with Chinese Academy of Sciences, and facilitating a full-chain support mechanism in the integration of policy makers, scientific researchers, finance suppliers, and livelihood service providers; consolidate the functions of demonstration and leadership of science and technology which have had a long term of accumulation in the development of MAB in China; further the future-oriented international cooperation between China and Germany in the area of MAB. From a long perspective, international strategy of China MAB aims on approaching global consensus favorably by ideas of ecological civilization and community of shared future for humans, and to enhance the South-South cooperation and South-North cooperation by the extensive and flexible platform of MAB, so as to make contributions to the sustainable development and other common issues in global governance. Moreover, in view of the current international situations full of huge challenges, globalization of China MAB would help to open a new window for the international cooperation of China from the enhanced effort for Europe and other regions thus further support the holistic diplomacy of China.