

Urgent Problems and Countermeasures of Emergency Governance System under COVID-19 Outbreak
南开大学 中国公司治理研究院 天津 300071
LI Weian
China Academy of Corporate Governance, Nankai University, Tianjin 300071, China
南开大学 中国公司治理研究院 天津 300071
ZHANG Yaowei
China Academy of Corporate Governance, Nankai University, Tianjin 300071, China
南开大学 中国公司治理研究院 天津 300071
MENG Qiankun
China Academy of Corporate Governance, Nankai University, Tianjin 300071, China
        COVID-19 outbreak;emergency governance system;effectiveness of the governance system
        The outbreak of COVID-19 is a great test of the effectiveness of the modern governance system and ability. Faced with the epidemic, to straighten out the emergency governance system of government governance, social governance and corporate governance initiated by severe public health emergencies is the key to deal with the crisis. This study puts forward the top-level design principle, borrowing principle, classification governance principle, cost sharing principle, and disclosure principle to be followed in the smooth running of emergency governance system, points out the weaknesses of emergency governance system which should be strengthened, and proposes the corresponding suggestions and measures in the critical period of epidemic response, so as to improve the effectiveness of the governance system.
李维安 南开大学讲席教授,南开大学/天津财经大学中国公司治理研究院院长,全国 首位管理学科长江学者特聘教授,《中国大百科全书·工商管理卷》主编。兼任中国管 理现代化研究会联职理事长、中国企业管理研究会常务副会长、中国集团公司促进会专 家副会长等。曾任东北财经大学校长、天津财经大学校长、国务院学位委员会第六届学 科评议组(工商管理)召集人、南开大学商学院院长、《南开管理评论》主编等。在国 内较早并长期从事公司治理、社会组织治理以及绿色治理等研究,是中国公司治理领域 的开拓者之一。相关研究成果分获第十届孙冶方经济科学奖著作奖、第六届中国管理科 学奖、教育部人文社会科学优秀成果奖一等奖,并获全国教学名师、全国五一劳动奖章等荣誉称号。
LI Weian Chair Professor of Nankai University. He is the Dean of China Academy of Corporate Governance in Nankai University and Tianjin University of Finance and Economics. He is the first Yangtze River Scholars Distinguished Professor in Management. He also serves as Editor-in-Chief of China Encyclopedia·Business Administration Volume. He is the Co-President of Chinese Academy of Management, Vice President of China Business Management Research Association, Vice Chairman of China Group Companies Association, etc. He served as the President of Dongbei University of Finance and Economics, the President of Tianjin University of Finance and Economics, the Convener of the Sixth Discipline Appraisal Group (Business Administration) of the Academic Degrees Committee of the State Council, P. R. China, Dean of Business School in Nankai University and Editor-in-Chief of Nankai Business Review. Professor Li is a pioneer in the field of corporate governance in China. He has been engaged in the research on corporate governance, social organization governance, and green governance in China for a long time. He has got the tenth Sun Yefang Economic Science Award, the sixth China Management Science Award, First Class Prize of the China Academic Social Sciences Outstanding Achievement Award, National Award for Distinguished Teacher, and National May Day Labor Medal.