Asian Water Tower Change and Its Impacts
Asian Water Tower Change and Its Impacts
中国科学院青藏高原研究所 北京 100101;中国科学院青藏高原地球科学卓越创新中心 北京 100101;兰州大学 兰州 730000
YAO Tandong
Institute of Tibetan Plateau Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China;CAS Center for Excellence in Tibetan Plateau Earth Sciences, Beijing 100101, China;Lanzhou University, Lanzhou 730000, China
中国科学院青藏高原研究所 北京 100101;中国科学院青藏高原地球科学卓越创新中心 北京 100101
WU Guangjian
Institute of Tibetan Plateau Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China;CAS Center for Excellence in Tibetan Plateau Earth Sciences, Beijing 100101, China
中国科学院青藏高原研究所 北京 100101;中国科学院青藏高原地球科学卓越创新中心 北京 100101
XU Baiqing
Institute of Tibetan Plateau Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China;CAS Center for Excellence in Tibetan Plateau Earth Sciences, Beijing 100101, China
中国科学院青藏高原研究所 北京 100101;中国科学院青藏高原地球科学卓越创新中心 北京 100101
WANG Weicai
Institute of Tibetan Plateau Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China;CAS Center for Excellence in Tibetan Plateau Earth Sciences, Beijing 100101, China
中国科学院青藏高原研究所 北京 100101;中国科学院青藏高原地球科学卓越创新中心 北京 100101
GAO Jing
Institute of Tibetan Plateau Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China;CAS Center for Excellence in Tibetan Plateau Earth Sciences, Beijing 100101, China
中国科学院青藏高原研究所 北京 100101;中国科学院青藏高原地球科学卓越创新中心 北京 100101
AN Baosheng
Institute of Tibetan Plateau Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China;CAS Center for Excellence in Tibetan Plateau Earth Sciences, Beijing 100101, China
中国科学院青藏高原研究所 北京 100101;中国科学院青藏高原地球科学卓越创新中心 北京 100101;兰州大学 兰州 730000
YAO Tandong
Institute of Tibetan Plateau Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China;CAS Center for Excellence in Tibetan Plateau Earth Sciences, Beijing 100101, China;Lanzhou University, Lanzhou 730000, China
中国科学院青藏高原研究所 北京 100101;中国科学院青藏高原地球科学卓越创新中心 北京 100101
WU Guangjian
Institute of Tibetan Plateau Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China;CAS Center for Excellence in Tibetan Plateau Earth Sciences, Beijing 100101, China
中国科学院青藏高原研究所 北京 100101;中国科学院青藏高原地球科学卓越创新中心 北京 100101
XU Baiqing
Institute of Tibetan Plateau Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China;CAS Center for Excellence in Tibetan Plateau Earth Sciences, Beijing 100101, China
中国科学院青藏高原研究所 北京 100101;中国科学院青藏高原地球科学卓越创新中心 北京 100101
WANG Weicai
Institute of Tibetan Plateau Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China;CAS Center for Excellence in Tibetan Plateau Earth Sciences, Beijing 100101, China
中国科学院青藏高原研究所 北京 100101;中国科学院青藏高原地球科学卓越创新中心 北京 100101
GAO Jing
Institute of Tibetan Plateau Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China;CAS Center for Excellence in Tibetan Plateau Earth Sciences, Beijing 100101, China
中国科学院青藏高原研究所 北京 100101;中国科学院青藏高原地球科学卓越创新中心 北京 100101
AN Baosheng
Institute of Tibetan Plateau Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China;CAS Center for Excellence in Tibetan Plateau Earth Sciences, Beijing 100101, China
Asian Water Tower;unbalanced change;hazards effects;far-reaching effect
以青藏高原为核心的"第三极"是除南极和北极以外冰雪储量最大的地区,被称为"亚洲水塔",包括面积约1×105 km2的冰川、总面积约5×104 km2的湖泊和长江、黄河、雅鲁藏布江、印度河、恒河、湄公河、阿姆河、塔里木河等10多条亚洲大江大河的源头。"亚洲水塔"变化关系着中国的水资源利用以及"一带一路"地区众多国家的水安全。在气候变暖背景下,"亚洲水塔"正在发生以失衡为特征的剧烈变化。冰川加速退缩、湖泊整体显著扩张、冰川径流增加等过程都和"亚洲水塔"失衡密切相关。"亚洲水塔"的失衡变化导致了青藏高原及周边地区水资源和水灾害风险增加,出现了冰崩等新型灾害。这些变化也可以通过大气圈和水圈产生广域效应,进而和南极、北极变化协同联动,影响全球气候变化和水循环。第二次青藏高原综合科学考察研究聚焦于过去50年来"亚洲水塔"动态变化及其影响,与"泛第三极环境变化与绿色丝绸之路建设"专项实施一道,为我国资源环境重大战略需求和绿色"一带一路"发展,提出应对"亚洲水塔"变化与影响的科学对策和水资源规划管理及可持续发展的科学指导,以服务于全球生态环境保护、人类命运共同体建设。
The Tibetan Plateau and surroundings, also known as the Third Pole, is widely acknowledged as the Asian Water Tower. It holds glaciers with an area about 100 000 km2, and lakes with an area about 50 000 km2. It gives birth to more than ten big rivers in Asia including the Yangtze River, Yellow River, Yarlung Tsangpo, Indus, Ganges, Mekong, Amu Darya, Tarim River, etc. Its environmental changes affect water resources utilization in China and water securities in many nations involved in the Belt and Road initiative. The Asian Water Tower is undergoing dramatic changes characterized with unbalance in a warming climate. Accelerated glacier retreats, permafrost degradation, lake expansion, as well as increase of glacial melt to runoff are all related to the unbalance change of the Asian Water Tower. These have put the Tibetan Plateau and its surrounding regions at risk and caused many water-related hazards such as glacier collapse. Asian Water Tower change would even be amplified through the atmosphere and hydrosphere to affect global climate and water cycle, thus coupling and interacting with changes on the Arctic and Antarctica. The Second Tibetan Plateau Scientific Expedition and Research program (STEP) and Pan-Third Pole Environment study for a Green Silk Road program (Pan-TPE) will focus on the study of Asian Water Tower change and its local to regional impacts in the past half century, conduct comprehensive field expeditions and research, and advise on science policy to confront Asian Water Tower change and impacts. The ultimate goal of the STEP and Pan-TPE is to provide scientific advice to China and nations around on water resources regulations and sustainable development, thus serving global ecological environment and a community with a shared future for mankind.
姚檀栋 中国科学院院士,第二次青藏高原综合科学考察研究队队长、中国科学院战略性先导科技专项(A类)"泛第三极环境变化与绿色丝绸之路建设"首席科学家。中国青藏高原研究会理事长、"第三极环境(TPE)"国际计划主席。长期从事青藏高原科学考察研究,在冰川与环境变化研究领域作出了系统性创新贡献。研究发现气候变暖和西风与季风协同作用是青藏高原冰川变化区域差异的主要驱动力;组织撰写的《西藏高原环境变化科学评估》报告为推进青藏高原生态屏障建设提供了重要科学依据;发起的TPE国际计划促进了国际青藏高原研究领域的深度交流。发表论文300多篇,其中重要成果发表在包括Nature、Science、Nature Climate Change、Review of Geophysics、BAMS等国际权威期刊上。2017年因在青藏高原冰川和环境研究方面所作出的贡献荣获维加奖。
YAO Tandong Member of Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS).He is also the Chair of the Second Tibetan Plateau Scientific Expedition and Research program (STEP) and Pan-Third Pole Environment study for a Green Silk Road program (Pan-TPE),Chairman of the China Society on Tibetan Plateau (CSTP),Co-chair of Third Pole Environment (TPE) Program.Yao Tandong has been focusing and internationally acknowledged of his study on glacier and environment on the Tibetan Plateau.He has carried out different programs relating to environment in the past 30 years.His research has been published in Nature,Science,Nature Climate Change,Review of Geophysics,BAMS,etc.One of his recent works reveals that,under the impact of global warming,glaciers in the Tibetan Plateau and surrounding regions are retreating rapidly and spatially different because of the interaction between the Indian monsoon and westerlies,with the most rapid retreating in the southeast Tibetan Plateau and the least retreating in the northwest Tibetan Plateau.He has successfully organized many international conferences and workshops,as well as several major national and international research programs.Among them,the TPE program has been internationally influential.He has been awarded the Vega Medal for his pioneering work on the Tibetan Plateau glacier and environment in 2017.
YAO Tandong Member of Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS).He is also the Chair of the Second Tibetan Plateau Scientific Expedition and Research program (STEP) and Pan-Third Pole Environment study for a Green Silk Road program (Pan-TPE),Chairman of the China Society on Tibetan Plateau (CSTP),Co-chair of Third Pole Environment (TPE) Program.Yao Tandong has been focusing and internationally acknowledged of his study on glacier and environment on the Tibetan Plateau.He has carried out different programs relating to environment in the past 30 years.His research has been published in Nature,Science,Nature Climate Change,Review of Geophysics,BAMS,etc.One of his recent works reveals that,under the impact of global warming,glaciers in the Tibetan Plateau and surrounding regions are retreating rapidly and spatially different because of the interaction between the Indian monsoon and westerlies,with the most rapid retreating in the southeast Tibetan Plateau and the least retreating in the northwest Tibetan Plateau.He has successfully organized many international conferences and workshops,as well as several major national and international research programs.Among them,the TPE program has been internationally influential.He has been awarded the Vega Medal for his pioneering work on the Tibetan Plateau glacier and environment in 2017.