Uninterrupted System Innovation—Road to Germany's Scientific and Technological Power
Uninterrupted System Innovation—Road to Germany's Scientific and Technological Power
中国科学院自然科学史研究所 北京 10019
FANG Zaiqing
Institute for the History of Natural Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China
中国科学院自然科学史研究所 北京 10019
FANG Zaiqing
Institute for the History of Natural Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China
road to Germany's scientific and technological power;institutional innovation;non-university research institution;excellence strategy
Many factors have played a role on Germany's road to a powerful science and technology. Among them, the well supported and constantly changing scientific research system has played a crucial role. German science has benefitted from institutional innovation since its inception. Nearly every 100 years, Germany's scientific research system undergoes major changes. These include the establishment of the University of Berlin in 1810, the establishment of the Kaiser Wilhelm Society (KWG) in 1911, the expansion of the Max Planck Society as the successor to the KWG after WWⅡ., as well as the establishment of three big “non-university research institutions”—the Fraunhofer Society, the Helmholtz Society, and the Leibniz Society—and the “Excellence Strategy” in this century. All of these are milestone events. In addition, German scientists and science-policy makers play an extremely important role. When behind the forefront of research, they humbly learn from other countries that are more advanced; when they are in a leading position, they take precautions, strive for excellence, and constantly overcome internal and external pressures in order to maintain their advantages. Always striving for excellence, the German scientific research system will remain ever dynamic.
方在庆 中国科学院自然科学史研究所研究员,博士生导师。2001年入选中国科学院“百人计划”。1979年就读吉林大学物理学,1991年在武汉大学获哲学博士学位。曾先后任教于浙江大学、清华大学,担任美国麻省理工学院“杰出访问学者”,德国慕尼黑大学埃里克. 弗格林教席(Eric-Voegelin-Professur,C3)以及德国比勒菲尔德大学客座教授等。担任《科学技术哲学》《科学文化评论》等杂志编委。研究方向为科学史、科学哲学和科学社会学,尤其关注爱因斯坦、德国的科学与现代化。发表论文40多篇,出版论著和译作多本。
E-mail: fang@ihns.ac.cn
FANG Zaiqing Research Professor and Ph.D. supervisor at Institute for the History of Natural Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). In 2001, he was selected into the “Hundred Talents Program” of CAS. He studied physics at Jilin University, graduated in 1979, and received Ph.D. in philosophy from Wuhan University in 1991. As faculty, He worked at Zhejiang University and then at Tsinghua University. As an “excellent visiting scholar”, he visited Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). He held the Eric-Voegelin-Professur (C3) at the University of Munich, Germany, and was a visiting professor at the University of Bielefeld, Germany. He also serves as an editorial board member of the journals The Philosophy of Science and Technology and Science and Culture Review. His research focuses on the history of science, philosophy of science, and sociology of science, with special attention to Albert Einstein and to science and modernization in Germany. He has published more than 40 articles and 12 books, including translations.
E-mail: fang@ihns.ac.cn
E-mail: fang@ihns.ac.cn
FANG Zaiqing Research Professor and Ph.D. supervisor at Institute for the History of Natural Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). In 2001, he was selected into the “Hundred Talents Program” of CAS. He studied physics at Jilin University, graduated in 1979, and received Ph.D. in philosophy from Wuhan University in 1991. As faculty, He worked at Zhejiang University and then at Tsinghua University. As an “excellent visiting scholar”, he visited Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). He held the Eric-Voegelin-Professur (C3) at the University of Munich, Germany, and was a visiting professor at the University of Bielefeld, Germany. He also serves as an editorial board member of the journals The Philosophy of Science and Technology and Science and Culture Review. His research focuses on the history of science, philosophy of science, and sociology of science, with special attention to Albert Einstein and to science and modernization in Germany. He has published more than 40 articles and 12 books, including translations.
E-mail: fang@ihns.ac.cn