Making China a Globally Competitive and Attractive Destination for Worldwide Excellent Talents
Making China a Globally Competitive and Attractive Destination for Worldwide Excellent Talents
美国杜克大学医学院 达勒姆 27708
Wang Xiaofan
Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC 27708, USA
美国麻省理工学院怀特海德研究所 剑桥 02142
Zhang Yun
Whitehead Institute, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02142, USA
美国杜克大学医学院 达勒姆 27708
Wang Xiaofan
Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC 27708, USA
美国麻省理工学院怀特海德研究所 剑桥 02142
Zhang Yun
Whitehead Institute, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02142, USA
scientific and technological innovation;talent;nationality limitation;immigration policy
In today's era, science and technology plays an increasingly important role in forming national and industrial competitiveness at the global level. Talents hold the key to scientific and technological innovation. For China's development, it is essential to attract excellent talents worldwide, guarantee their rights and interests, and tap their potential to the full. China now faces the task of transforming and upgrading the real economy through original creation and innovation. In this context, we urgently need high-caliber scientific and technological talents. To fulfill this need, it is necessary to broaden our vision and diversify the channels to select outstanding talents globally. To attract global highcaliber scientific and technological talents, we suggest to reform relevant policies including immigration and scientific funding to provide talents with foreign nationality a better environment of living and doing research.
王小凡,癌症生物学家,美国杜克大学Donald and Elizabeth Cooke终身讲席教授,国务院侨办海外专家咨询委员会委员,科技部重大科学计划专家组成员。新疆乌鲁木齐人,1982年毕业于武汉大学,同年考入中科院遗传与发育生物学所,并在当年举办的首届"中美生物化学联合招生项目"(CUSBEA)以第一名的成绩赴美留学;1986年获加州大学洛杉矶分校博士学位,之后在麻省理工学院从事博士后研究;1992年在杜克大学开始独立学术生涯。E-mail:xiao.fan.wang@duke.edu
Wang Xiaofan Born in Urumuqi,China.He entered Wuhan University in 1978 to receive his college education following the reform of the education system.In 1982,as one of the first group of Chinese students sent to study biology in the US,he started his graduate training in transcriptional regulation of immunoglobulin genes during B cell development with Dr.K.Calame at UCLA and received his Ph.D.in 1986.He then spent five years at Whitehead Institute and MIT as a postdoctoral fellow under the guidance of Dr.R.Weinberg.The main achievement during this period was the molecular cloning of transforming growth factor beta (TGF-β) type II and type III receptors.In early 1992 he moved to Duke University Medical Center as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Pharmacology&Cancer Biology.He is currently Professor of Pharmacology and Cancer Biology,Donald and Elizabeth Cooke Professor of Experimental Oncology.His current research interests are in the mechanisms of tumor metastasis and cellular senescence.His other academic activities include serving on the editorial boards of a number of scientific journals,such as an Associate Editor for the Journal of Biological Chemistry.E-mail:xiao.fan.wang@duke.edu
张赟,男,美国麻省理工学院怀特海德研究所Susan G.Komen博士后研究员。2008年毕业于北京大学,2013年获美国杜克大学博士学位。E-mail:y.zhang@wi.mit.edu
Zhang Yun Male,Susan G.Komen postdoctoral fellow at Whitehead Institute and MIT.He graduated from Peking University in 2008 and received his Ph.D.degree in 2013 from Duke University under the guidance of Dr.Xiaofan Wang.He moved to Whitehead Institute and MIT in 2014 and is currently a Susan G.Komen postdoctoral fellow mentored by Dr.Robert Weinberg.His research mainly focuses on tumor heterogeneity and cancer stem cell.E-mail:y.zhang@wi.mit.edu
Wang Xiaofan Born in Urumuqi,China.He entered Wuhan University in 1978 to receive his college education following the reform of the education system.In 1982,as one of the first group of Chinese students sent to study biology in the US,he started his graduate training in transcriptional regulation of immunoglobulin genes during B cell development with Dr.K.Calame at UCLA and received his Ph.D.in 1986.He then spent five years at Whitehead Institute and MIT as a postdoctoral fellow under the guidance of Dr.R.Weinberg.The main achievement during this period was the molecular cloning of transforming growth factor beta (TGF-β) type II and type III receptors.In early 1992 he moved to Duke University Medical Center as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Pharmacology&Cancer Biology.He is currently Professor of Pharmacology and Cancer Biology,Donald and Elizabeth Cooke Professor of Experimental Oncology.His current research interests are in the mechanisms of tumor metastasis and cellular senescence.His other academic activities include serving on the editorial boards of a number of scientific journals,such as an Associate Editor for the Journal of Biological Chemistry.E-mail:xiao.fan.wang@duke.edu
张赟,男,美国麻省理工学院怀特海德研究所Susan G.Komen博士后研究员。2008年毕业于北京大学,2013年获美国杜克大学博士学位。E-mail:y.zhang@wi.mit.edu
Zhang Yun Male,Susan G.Komen postdoctoral fellow at Whitehead Institute and MIT.He graduated from Peking University in 2008 and received his Ph.D.degree in 2013 from Duke University under the guidance of Dr.Xiaofan Wang.He moved to Whitehead Institute and MIT in 2014 and is currently a Susan G.Komen postdoctoral fellow mentored by Dr.Robert Weinberg.His research mainly focuses on tumor heterogeneity and cancer stem cell.E-mail:y.zhang@wi.mit.edu