

The Function of Psychology in Social Governance
杨玉芳 郭永玉

        psychology, social governance, social science, social responsibility
        推进国家治理体系和治理能力现代化是我国全面深化改革的一个总体目标。对此心理 学的研究可以提供重要的科学支撑。一方面是因为心理学具有社会科学的学科性质,能够 解释很多社会过程和社会问题的作用机制;另一方面,是因为社会治理理念所倡导的多元 主体、协商民主、消解矛盾和精细化的思想,都与心理学有密切的联系,需要对人的心理 和行为有深刻的理解。未来学界应更多致力于有关社会治理的心理学研究,而且该领域的 研究应注重理论本土化和方法多元化,坚持多学科协同创新的定位,处理好基础研究和应 用研究的关系,以及科学研究与人文关怀的关系。
        A general purpose of deepening its all-round reform is to advance modernization in the state governance system and governance capability. We argue that psychological research can provide important support for this program. On the one hand, owning to its nature of social science, psychology may reveal the mechanisms of many social processes and social issues. On the other hand, the ideas that social governance advocates, including multiple subjects, deliberative democracy, coordinating contradiction and fine governance, are all closely related to psychology and require deeply understanding of people’s mind and behavior. Future study should concern about following topics, including intensifying explorations about psychological issues in social governance; focusing on theoretical localization and methodological diversity; keeping on the orientation of multidisciplinary collaborative innovation; dealing with the relationship between basic research and application research, as well as the contradiction between science and humanistic concern.
中科院心理所研究员。研究领域为心理语言学,主要关注广义语法语言学成分的界面问题,语言理解的认 知和神经基础,以及研究成果在语言工程中的应用。在国内外心理学、语言学和语言工程领域的学术刊物上发表文 章100 余篇,出版译著《音乐、语言与脑》、编著《心理语言学》。《心理科学进展》《语言科学》《声学学报》和 Cognitive Neurodynamics 等学术刊物的编委,书系《当代中国心理科学文库》总主编。
E-mail: yangyf@psych.ac.cn

Yang Yufang
Professor in psycholinguistics from the Institute of Psychology, the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). In this field she has explored many core questions, from speech perception to discourse comprehension. The results were reported in 180 papers on journals in fields of psychology, linguistic sciences, and language engineering. Now she is a member of editorial boards of several scientific journals in China, including Advances in Psychological Science, Linguistic Sciences, Cognitive Neurodynamics (SCI), Pattern Recognition and Human Intelligence (EI), and Acta Acoustica (EI ). She is the editor of Psycholinguistics, and chief editor of book series the Library of Contemporary Psychological Science in China, published in 2016.
E-mail: yangyf@psych.ac.cn