

Evolution of Soil Quality and Sustainable Use of Soil Resources in China
中国科学院南京分院 南京 210008;中国科学院南京土壤研究所 南京 210008
Zhou Jianmin
Institute of Soil Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing 210008, China
        soil quality;evolution of soil fertility;restore of polluted soils;sustainable use of soils
        我国人多地少, 人均耕地占有量还不足世界平均水平的1/2, 且土壤质量不高, 中低产田占2/3。要保障粮食安全,只能依靠单位面积产量的提高, 土壤质量便成为决定生产力的决定因素, 土壤资源的高强度利用就成为必然, 大量农用化学品的投入就不可避免。这种生产方式不仅对土壤质量产生深刻影响, 也对生态环境带来巨大冲击。研究表明, 自20 世纪80 年代初第二次全国土壤普查后, 我国主要耕地土壤质量已有很大变化, 东北黑土土壤肥力普遍下降, 其他区域总体上虽有提升, 但也存在着养分非均衡化, 变异较大, 大面积酸化, 土壤污染加剧趋势明显等问题, 为资源可持续利用带来巨大压力。要保障土壤资源的可持续利用, 必须加大土壤监测力度, 摸清家底, 因地制宜地采取措施, 消除土壤障碍, 改造中低产田, 提高农用化学品的利用效率, 防止土壤污染和对环境带来冲击, 对污染土壤进行修复, 实现农业持续发展与生态环境保护的最优平衡。
        China has largest population in the world, but the arable land per capita is less than one second of the world average level, and two thirds of the arable land is low or middle yield fields. We need to increase unit yield constantly to guarantee the grain security. Therefore, soil quality becomes a key factor affecting the production power, and intensive use of soil resources and input of the huge chemicals are inevitable. This production style will bring the strong impacts on soil quality and environment. The research indicated that the soil quality of the arable land have changed dramatically since second soil investigation of the early 1980s. The fertility of the black soils in northeast China became lower and lower. Even though the fertility of the most soils has slightly increased, the problems, such as unbalance of nutrients, acidification, and pollution increase in the soils, are widely appeared. In order to ensure the sustainable use of the soils to reach the balance between the agricultural production and environmental protection, it is necessary to strengthen soil test and establish the information files for all soils; to eliminate the limited factors of the low and middle yield land; to increase the efficient use of the chemicals, such as fertilizers and pesticides to decrease the impacts on the environment; to prevent the soils from the contamination of different pollutants; to restore polluted soils in suitable ways according to polluted types.
周健民 中科院南京分院院长, 中科院南京土壤所研究员, 土壤与农业可持续发展国家重点实验室学术委员会主任。1956 年7 月出生。1982 年毕业于南京大学化学系获学士学位, 1985 年获中科院南京土壤所硕士学位, 1995 年获加拿大萨斯喀彻温大学博士学位。回国后, 先后任中科院南京土壤所研究室副主任、主任、所长助理、副所长、所长。曾任中国土壤学会常务副理事长、理事长, 现为名誉理事长。长期从事土壤肥力和土壤化学的研究工作。E-mail: jmzhou@issac.ac.cn