Research on innovative development path and policy guarantee of China’s synthetic biology industry
Research on innovative development path and policy guarantee of China’s synthetic biology industry
耿红军1,3(南京理工大学 公共事务学院 南京 210094;深圳市科技创新战略研究中心 深圳 518052)
王昶2*(中南大学 商学院 长沙 410083)
王昶2*(中南大学 商学院 长沙 410083)
synthetic biology;industrial development;development path;policy guarantee
Synthetic biology is hailed as the third revolution in life sciences after the discovery of the DNA double helix structure and genomic technology, and is the core driving force for the leapfrog development of next-generation biomanufacturing and the future bioeconomy, opening up an opportunity window for the reshaping of the global manufacturing map. How to strategically position the synthesis biology industry and seize the strategic high ground in the industry is a core topic of interest for global science and technology powers and manufacturing powers. Based on the identification of problems in the development of China’s synthesis biology industry, this study draws on the experience of typical countries and takes integration and transformation as the theme to design dual innovation paths of organized innovation fusion and value-added transformation fusion for the synthesis biology industry, and proposes policy support measures from the perspectives of improving the development mechanism of the synthesis biology industry, strengthening the policy support system for the development of synthesis biology, exploring the classification entry and market access system for synthesis biology products, and improving the regulatory system and mechanism for synthesis biology.