
Current status and applications of microbial chassis strains for Chinese biomanufacturing industry
        陈国强1,2,3*(清华大学 生命科学学院 北京 100084;清华大学 化学工程系 北京 100084;清华大学 合成与系统生物学中心 北京 100084)
        吴赴清1,3(清华大学 生命科学学院 北京 100084;清华大学 合成与系统生物学中心 北京 100084)
        郑爽1(清华大学 生命科学学院 北京 100084)
        丁军1(清华大学 生命科学学院 北京 100084)
        盛君婷1(清华大学 生命科学学院 北京 100084)
        microbial chassis;biomanufacturing;synthetic biology;new quality productive forces;extremophiles
        Biomanufacturing is an important component of new quality productive forces, representing the commanding height of the new round of technological revolution and serving as a new engine for industrial transformation following information technology. It demonstrates vast application prospects in fields such as renewable energy, advanced materials, biomedicine, green food, and environmental protection. Biomanufacturing utilizes chassis microorganisms similar as “microchip” to produce various bioproducts via processes including chassis design and construction, large-scale cell cultivation, and product purifications. Most chassis microorganisms in biomanufacturing were not domestically identified. This study summarizes the types of common chassis microorganisms both domestically and internationally, as well as the current status of novel chassis microorganism development. It analyzes the primary issues and challenges faced by China in the development of chassis microorganisms. Furthermore, it focuses on the development of novel extremophilic microorganisms as novel chassis. We propose several points to promote the development of chassis microorganisms with independent IP in China, encompassing top-down designs for the 15th Five-Year Plan layout, platform construction, policy and regulatory frameworks, talent cultivation, regulatory mechanisms, legal protection, and evaluation systems.