Action logic and agenda game of global methane emission control and China’s countermeasures
Action logic and agenda game of global methane emission control and China’s countermeasures
张博1(厦门大学 管理学院 厦门 361005)
郭金玲2(中国矿业大学(北京) 管理学院 北京 100083)
仲冰2(中国矿业大学(北京) 管理学院 北京 100083)
高俊莲2(中国矿业大学(北京) 管理学院 北京 100083)
张国生3(中国石油勘探开发研究院 北京 100083)
刘合4*(多资源协同陆相页岩油绿色开采全国重点实验室 大庆 163712)
郭金玲2(中国矿业大学(北京) 管理学院 北京 100083)
仲冰2(中国矿业大学(北京) 管理学院 北京 100083)
高俊莲2(中国矿业大学(北京) 管理学院 北京 100083)
张国生3(中国石油勘探开发研究院 北京 100083)
刘合4*(多资源协同陆相页岩油绿色开采全国重点实验室 大庆 163712)
methane|emission control|climate negotiations|game|global climate governance|China
Originated from the global response to climate change, methane emission control has evolved into a focus of international climate negotiations in recent years. At present, the agenda for controlling methane emission in global climate governance is basically taking shape, but in the process of shifting from scientific consensus to political consensus, the content of the topic and the focus of the game continue to evolve. To carry out global action, it is necessary to address issues such as the allocation of responsibilities, international rules, climate investment and financing, and risk prevention, as well as the basic capacity guarantees behind them. The global methane emission control action will have a multifaceted impact on China. The transparency of global methane emission monitoring will intensify the emission reduction game of all parties, the international pressure requiring China to assume the responsibility of emission reduction will continue to increase, the foreign trade of China’s high-methane emission products will be restricted, and China will be forced to accelerate the construction of methane governance system and governance capacity. In response to changes in the domestic and international situation, it is necessary to consolidate the foundation of domestic methane emission control policies and actions, improve the ability to research and set global issues, accelerate methane emission reduction and resource utilization marketization, enhance the international discourse on methane emission control issues, and deeply involve in global methane emission control.