
On relationship between experiment and theory in basic scientific research
        孙昌璞(中国工程物理研究院研究生院 北京 100193)
        philosophy of science|falsificationism|Bayesianism|progressive falsifiability|double-blind experiment|quantum simulation|scientific spirit
        Understanding how experiments in basic scientific research “confirm” theories is crucial for upholding the spirit of science and fostering technological innovation. Mr. Zhou Guangzhao conducted an in-depth discussion on this topic in his early work. This study further analyzes the issue from the perspective of the philosophy of science. We derive falsificationism from a Bayesian perspective, providing a philosophical understanding of the proper handling of the relationship between scientific theory and experiment. By examining the relationship between theory and experiment in physics, this study proposes a philosophy of science concept of progressive falsifiability, emphasizing that through Bayesian methods, experiments can update the posterior probability of theories, thereby quantitatively approaching scientific truth. Additionally, the study explores how theory influences experimental design and data collection in physics, analyzes why quantum simulation results are difficult to falsify, and discusses the logical challenges faced by the practice of falsifiability in double-blind experiments in physics. Finally, it emphasizes that only by adhering to the spirit of science and academic integrity can we avoid the academic gray areas that may arise.