
Role of Transnational Oil and Gas Exploration and Development in Ensuring National Energy Security
        窦立荣 王作乾 郜峰 刘小兵
        energy hegemony, international oil and gas cooperation, Belt and Road, oil company, multi-energy fusion development, risk fund
        美国是现代石油工业奠基者,推动世界油气发展,通过石油公司的全球布局,牢牢掌控北美“后院”,虎视眈眈南美“前院”。二战后,美国历经 70 年的探索布局,实现了能源独立,开启了能源霸权。本文在回顾美国石油工业发展史基础上,分析了我国跨国油气勘探开发保障国家能源安全的作用:(1)通过国际市场运作海外份额油气回国保供,担负起了利用“两个市场”“两种资源”的责任;(2)开展油气合作,夯实我国油气战略通道沿线的上游资源基础,成为支撑国家“一带一路”倡议的主力军,有效降低了我 国油气综合对外依存度。在百年变局和世纪疫情大背景下,文章针对全球地缘政治复杂多变、双碳目标下的能源转型、中美全面博弈等诸多挑战,提出了相关启示与建议,为中国国有石油公司“走出去”、进一步分享全球油气资源、保障国家能源安全提供参考。
        United States is the founder of modern oil industry, which promoted the development of oil and gas in the world. By means of global layout of American oil companies, United States supercharges the backyard of North America while covets the forecourt of South America. United States realizes energy independence and opens energy hegemony during 70 years after World War II. On basis of reviewing the development history of American oil industry, this study analyzes the role of transnational oil and gas exploration, and development of Chinese national oil companies in ensuring national energy security. On the one hand, the entitlement oil and gas of overseas projects are operated back to China to secure national energy supply by international market, Chinese national oil companies shoulder the responsibility of making use of two markets and two resources. On the other hand, the foundation of upstream resources along China’s strategic oil and gas corridors is consolidated by international oil and gas cooperation, Chinese national oil companies become the main force of propping up “Belt and Road” national initiative. China’s oil and gas external dependence degrees are effectively reduced. In the context of profound changes unseen in centuries and the 21st century pandemic, aimed at the various challenges such as complexity and changes of global geopolitics, energy transition under China’s “dual carbon goals” and all-round game between China and the United States, the related enlightenments and suggestions are put forward, which provide the references for “going out” of Chinese oil companies, sharing global oil and gas resources, and ensuring national energy security.
中国石油勘探开发研究院教授。主要从事全球油气资源评价与勘探关键技术研究、跨国油气地质研究和勘探实践、 国际石油公司碳中和路径与能源转型研究。
E-mail: dlirong@petrochina.com.cn
DOU Lirong
Professor of Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration and Development, PetroChina. His research areas cover key technologies of global oil and gas resource assessment and exploration, transnational oil and gas geology research and exploration practice, carbon neutralization path and energy transition of international oil companies.
E-mail: dlirong@petrochina.com.cn

中国石油勘探开发研究院高级工程师。主要从事全球油气开发形势与启示、海外油气开发关键技术与合作模式、资 产结构优化与投资优化组合、规划计划编制等方面的研究。
E-mail: wangzuoqian@petrochina.com.cn
WANG Zuoqian
Senior Engineer of Research Institute Petroleum Exploration and Development, PetroChina. His research areas cover global oil and gas development situation and enlightenment, key technology and cooperation model of overseas oil and gas development, asset structure optimization and investment optimization portfolio, and planning preparation.
E-mail: wangzuoqian@petrochina.com.cn