
Research on Strategic Transformation of Consumer Goods Standardization for the New Development Stage
        马胜男 王旭华 孙锡敏 杜岩冰 闫凌 孙翊
        consumer goods, standardization, policy
        消费品“小产品、大集成”,是反映国家创新能力、制造能力和国际竞争力的有形载体,是满足人民 美好生活需要的直接体现。我国消费品工业市场化起步早,长期以来发挥着拉动国内循环、推动国际循环的 主力军作用。消费品标准化与产业实践相互协调、相互适应,走过从无到有、从有到快、从快到好的 3 个历 史阶段,有效规范、促进和引领了产业发展。当前,欧美等主要发达国家消费品标准化发展呈现“更安全、 更透明、更环保、更健康”的变化。同时,我国消费品工业进入增速放缓、内需疲软、出口形势严峻复杂 的新常态,市场发展和产业实践对消费品标准化提出“创新、健康、生态、文化、服务”等 5 个方面的新要 求。文章在总结消费品标准化事业的历史经验、借鉴国外做法的基础上,深入分析新发展阶段消费品市场表 现与产业实践需要,提出新时期消费品标准化领域的“七个转型”,以期为深入贯彻落实《国家标准化发展 纲要》,构建与新发展格局战略任务相适应的消费品标准化政策体系,提供借鉴和决策参考。
        “Small products and large integration” of consumer goods is a tangible carrier reflecting a country’s innovation capacity, manufacturing capacity and international competitiveness, and a physical embodiment of meeting people’s needs for a better life. The marketization of China’s consumer goods industry developed early and has played a leading role in stimulating the domestic cycle and promoting the international cycle for a long time. The standardization of consumer goods and industrial practice have been coordinating with each other and making mutual adaptations from the beginning, and have gone through the stages from scratch, to fast development and to sound development. This has effectively standardized, promoted and guided the industrial development. At present, the standardization of consumer goods in Europe, America and other major developed countries has entered a new stage of “safer, more transparent, more environmentally friendly and healthier”. However, China’s consumer goods industry has got into a state with slow growth, weak domestic demand, and severe and complex export situation. The market development and industrial practice is raising new requirements on five aspects: “innovation, health, ecology, culture and service”. On the basis of summarizing China’s historical experiences in developing the consumer goods standardization and lessons learned from foreign practices, this paper analyzes the market performance and the needs of industrial practice in the current stage of consumer goods standardization, and puts forward the “seven transformations” of consumer goods standardization in the new period. It aims to provide reference for practice and decision-making on implementing the National Standardization Development Outline and formulating consumer goods standardization policies suitable for the strategic task of constructing a new development pattern.
国家市场监督管理总局标准技术管理司食品消费品标准处处长。长期从事国家消费品领域 标准化研究和管理工作,主要包括纺织服装、家用电器、家具、玩具等 50 多个消费品领域,发表 学术论文 20 余篇。
E-mail: mashengnan@samr.gov.cn
MA Shengnan
Head of the Food and Consumer Goods Standards Department of the Standard Technology Division, State Administration for Market Regulation. She has long been engaged in the standardization research and national standardization administration in the field of consumer product, mainly including more than 50 consumer product fields such as textiles and clothing, household appliance, furniture and toys, and has published more than 20 academic papers.
E-mail: mashengnan@samr.gov.cn

孙 翊
中国科学院科技战略咨询研究院创新研究员。主要研究方向:可持续发展政策模拟、多区 域经济学、城市与区域管理等。主持和参加国家自然科学基金、国家重点研发计划、“973”计 划、北大-林肯中心研究基金等科研项目 20 余项。E-mail: sunyi@casisd.cn
SUN Yi Associate Professor at the Institutes of Science and Development, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). Prof. Sun is Secretary General of Urban and Regional Management Committee of Chinese Geographical Society, a member of National Technical Committee for Standardization of Urban Public Facilities Services (SAC/ TC 537), and an associate editor of Asia-Pacific Journal of Regional Science. His research focuses on policy modeling, multi-regional economics, urban and regional management, digital economics, etc. He has presided over and completed more than 20 scientific research projects, such as general programs of National Natural Science Foundation of China, National Key R&D Projects, Major State Basic Research Development Program of China (973 Program), and Research Fund of the Peking University - Lincoln Institute Center. E-mail: sunyi@casisd.cn