
Thoughts on Space Science Development
        顾逸东*(中国科学院空间应用工程与技术中心 北京 100094)
        space science;development planning;national budget;foundation of research;project management
        Space science is a large-scale activity by using space vehicles to explore the universe and natural laws and carry out special experiments, which has made great contributions to the development of contemporary science. This paper outlines the major breakthroughs in international space science, analyzes the context and new trends of space science and manned exploration activities, reviews the development achievements of space science in China in the past 20 years, puts forward existing problems and gaps, and emphasizes the strategic position of space science and its importance to China's science and technology, aerospace and the national long-term development. It is proposed that increasing investment on space science, formulating national space science plans and establishing a stable budget system are the guarantee for the long-term and stable development of space science in China. It is suggested that in order to form an innovative path of space science development with Chinese characteristics, we shall make full use of scientific balloons, sounding rockets and other ways to consolidate the research foundation, strengthen the combination of theory, experiment and technology, cultivate a large number of high-quality scientists, promote international cooperation, and improve scientific program management.
顾逸东 中国科学院院士。中国载人航天工程空间科学首席专家,中国科学院空间应用中心学术委员会主任,两颗科学卫星工程总师。曾任中国科学院空间科学中心主任,中国科学院光电研究院院长,载人航天工程空间应用系统总设计师、总指挥,中国空间科学学会理事长。主持建立了我国科学气球系统,推动了我国气球宇宙射线、X射线天文和多学科高空科学探测,领导建设了载人航天天地一体化的空间应用技术体系,组织完成了神舟系列飞船和天宫系列空间实验室科学与应用任务,领导了空间站科学与应用任务规划论证。曾获全国五一劳动奖章、国家科技进步奖特等奖等。
GU Yidong Academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences. Prof. Gu is the Chief Expert of Space Science in the project of China Manned Space, Director of the Academic Committee of the Technology and Engineering Center for Space Utilization, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), and Chief Designer of two scientific satellites. He is the former Director of the National Space Science Center, CAS; Director of the Academy of Opto-electronics, CAS; Chief Designer and Commander of the space application system of China Manned Space, and Chairman of Chinese Society of Space Research. He initiated the scientific balloon system, promoted astronomical and multi-disciplinary high-altitude scientific explorations using cosmic ray and X-ray, led the establishment of an integrated space-ground space utilization technology system in China Manned Space, and also organized the utilization missions of Shenzhou series of spaceship, Tiangong space laboratory and the planning of space station. He has received the National May 1st Labor Medal and Special Prize for National Science and Technology Progress Award.