建设新型电力系统 促进实现碳中和

Build New Power System to Promote Carbon Neutrality
        孔力1,2(中国科学院电工研究所 北京 100190;中国科学技术大学 碳中和研究院 合肥 230026)
        裴玮1(中国科学院电工研究所 北京 100190)
        饶建业3(电力规划设计总院 北京 100120)
        徐英新3(电力规划设计总院 北京 100120)
        carbon neutralization;new generation of power system;renewable energy
        “双碳”战略下,未来 40 年我国电力系统的供需规模仍将持续增长。文章首先对碳中和目标下我国电网体系进行了总体分析,认为未来风电和太阳能发电将逐步成为主体电源,这给电网消纳新能源带来新任务和挑战。在此基础上,阐述了构建新型电力系统的总体思路和建设原则,分析了电网的基本结构和形态。未来远距离输电规模将持续扩大且资源和负荷不平衡,新型电力系统依然存在着电源和负荷逆向分布的显著特征,因此其基本形态仍由大电网构成,并以分布式系统为有效补充。此外,电网中灵活调节资源对于电网的安全运行至关重要,电力市场化运行机制应引导多元主体参与新型电力系统的建设。最后,提出了建设面向碳中和的新型电力系统分阶段实施策略,对建设新型电力系统,实现碳中和有重要指导作用和意义。
        Under the 'carbon peak and carbon neutrality' goal, the supply and demand of China's power system will continue to grow in the next 40 years. Firstly, this study comprehensively analyzes China's power grid system under the goal of carbon neutralization. In the future, wind power and solar power will gradually become the main power supply, which brings new tasks and challenges to the power grid to absorb the renewable energy. On this basis, the general idea and construction principles of building a new generation of power system are expounded. Then, the basic structure and form of the new generation of power system are analyzed. Due to the continuous expansion of longdistance transmission scale and the imbalance of resources and load in the future, the new generation of power system still has the remarkable characteristics of reverse distribution between the power supply and the load. Therefore, its basic form is still composed of large power and effectively supplemented by distributed power system. In addition, the flexible regulation of resources in the power grid is very important for the safe operation of the power grid, the power market operation mechanism should guide multiple subjects to participate in the construction of the new generation of power system. Finally, the phased implementation strategy of building a new power system for carbon neutralization is proposed, which has an important guiding role on building the new power system and realizing carbon neutralization.