
Technological Approaches to Enhance Ecosystem Carbon Sink in China: Nature-based Solutions
        于贵瑞*(中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所 中国科学院生态系统网络观测与模拟重点实验室 北京 100101)
        朱剑兴(中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所 中国科学院生态系统网络观测与模拟重点实验室 北京 100101)
        徐丽(中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所 中国科学院生态系统网络观测与模拟重点实验室 北京 100101)
        何念鹏(中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所 中国科学院生态系统网络观测与模拟重点实验室 北京 100101)
        ecosystem;carbon sink;carbon storage;ecologically critical zone;carbon cycle;carbon neutrality
        2030 年前碳达峰、 2060 年前碳中和已被确定为中国经济社会发展的重要战略目标。当前,中国陆地生态系统碳汇能力约为每年 10 亿—13 亿吨二氧化碳(CO2)。巩固和提升生态碳汇功能,需要与国土空间规划和生态保护等相结合,稳定现有森林、草原、湿地、滨海碳碳汇,进而实施生态保护与修复等重大增汇工程,同时还需要推动生态系统管理及新型生物/生态碳捕集、利用与封存技术(Bio-CCUS/Eco-CCUS)的开发应用。通过统筹陆地-河流-海洋国土空间规划和各种增汇技术,有望实现中国区域生态系统自然和人为碳汇功能倍增目标,即在 2050—2060 年实现每年 20 亿—25亿吨 CO2 的碳汇贡献。当前,亟待系统梳理生态系统碳汇提升关键技术,科学评估其增汇效应、经济可行性和时间可持续性,集成不同区域增汇技术并开展区域示范。
        Carbon peak in 2030 and carbon neutralization in 2060 has been established as one of the important strategic goals of China's economic and social development. During 2010-2020, the capacity of terrestrial ecosystems in China to sequester carbon dioxide (CO2) varied from 1.0 to 1.3 Gt/a, with high uncertainty. To enhance the carbon sink capacity of Chinese terrestrial ecosystems, the combination with land space planning and ecological protection is essential. It is necessary to first stabilize the existing carbon storage in these ecosystems, such as forest, grassland, wetland, coast, and others, and then implement some important ecological protection and ecological restoration projects at large scale. In addition, new technologies of carbon capture, utilization, and storage based on biological CO2 fixation principles (Bio-CCUS) or ecological CO2 fixation principles (Eco-CCUS) should be developed and applied. Through integrated regional ecosystem management and spatial planning, as well as multiple technologies to enhance carbon sink, it is possible to double the carbon sink capacity, both natural and human-made, arriving at 2.0-2.5 Gt/a during 2050-2060. In practice, we need to scientifically assess the key technologies of ecosystem carbon sink improvement in view of effectiveness, economic feasibility, and durability, and then comprehensively integrate these technologies into different regions for demonstrations at regional scale.