
Scientific and Technological Reasons, Contents and Corresponding Policies of Constructing “Coastal Grass Belt”
        胥伟华1,2(中国科学院遗传与发育生物学研究所 北京 100101;中国科学院种子创新研究院 北京 100101)
        王建林1,2(中国科学院遗传与发育生物学研究所 北京 100101;中国科学院种子创新研究院 北京 100101)
        刘小京2,3(中国科学院种子创新研究院 北京 100101;中国科学院遗传与发育生物学研究所农业资源研究中心 石家庄 050022)
        谢旗1,2(中国科学院遗传与发育生物学研究所 北京 100101;中国科学院种子创新研究院 北京 100101)
        杨维才1,2(中国科学院遗传与发育生物学研究所 北京 100101;中国科学院种子创新研究院 北京 100101)
        曹晓风1,2(中国科学院遗传与发育生物学研究所 北京 100101;中国科学院种子创新研究院 北京 100101)
        李振声1,2(中国科学院遗传与发育生物学研究所 北京 100101;中国科学院种子创新研究院 北京 100101)
        Coastal Grass Belt;saline land;animal husbandry;grass
        Not only the grain rations must be secured absolutely in China, but also the feed grains. However, the limited arable land resource in China determines that grass planting shall not "compete for land with staple food". Planting high quality salt-tolerant forage grass on the saline wasteland and developing animal husbandry production can not only meet the demand of increasing proportion of animal protein in Chinese diet structure, but more importantly, it can help to solve the problems of insufficient forage planting and import over-dependence. Hence it plays an important role in guaranteeing national food security. Therefore, it is necessary to use modern biological seed industry technology to accelerate the selection and breeding of salt-tolerant and water-resistant grass varieties, build the supporting system of coastal salt-alkali grass high-yield cultivation technology, and develop high-quality forage and crop straw mixed processing and storage technology to achieve the maximum utilization of biomass resources. The construction of "Coastal Grass Belt" will help to build an ecological barrier in the coastal area, and play an important role in keeping the coastal ecosystem healthy and improving the ecosystem service function.
胥伟华 中国科学院遗传与发育生物学研究所党委书记、副所长。全国青联常委、中央国家机关青联创新创业界别主任委员。"全国五四红旗团委标兵"、第七届中央国家机关"十大杰出青年"、中国科学院机关优秀党务工作者。牵头编著《驱动科技创新》《筑梦科学》,参与编著《国家创新生态系统研究》等。
XU Weihua Secretary of the CPC Party committee and deputy director of the Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). Dr. Xu is also a member of the Standing Committee of the National Youth Federation and chairman of the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Sector of the Youth Federation, a central government organ. He is a pacesetter of the National May 4th Red Flag Youth League Committee, the Seventh "Top Ten Outstanding Youth of Central and State Organs", and an outstanding party worker of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. He took the lead in editing Driving Technological Innovation and Dream of Science, and participated in editing Research on National Innovation Ecosystem, etc.