
Black Soil Protection and Utilization Based on Harmonization of Mountain-River-Forest-Farmland-Lake-Grassland-Sandy Land Ecosystems and Strategic Construction of Ecological Barrier
        张佳宝1*(中国科学院南京土壤研究所 南京 210008)
        孙波1(中国科学院南京土壤研究所 南京 210008)
        朱教君2(中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所 沈阳 110016)
        汪景宽3(沈阳农业大学 土地与环境学院 沈阳 110866)
        潘喜才1(中国科学院南京土壤研究所 南京 210008)
        高添2(中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所 沈阳 110016)
        black soil;mountain-river-forest-farmland-lake-grassland-sandy land ecosystem;protection;utilization;synergetic development
        The black soil in northeast China presents a trend of thinning, hardening, impoverishment, and acidification under the longterm high-intensity utilization, and faces the water resources shortage and ecological environment imbalance. Thus, the coordination between soil and water resources and environment has become the bottleneck of sustainable agricultural development in northeast China. The black soil protection and utilization is not only a problem of cultivated land system itself, but also a problem of harmonization of mountain-river-forest-farmland-lake-grassland-sandy land ecosystem. To achieve the goal of sustainable use of the black soil, it is necessary to give full play to the function of soil and water conservation, wind prevention and sand fixation, and biodiversity of natural ecosystems such as woodlands, grasslands, and wetlands. Hence, in addition to taking actions to ensure the quantity of cultivated black soil and improve soil quality, a synergetic development strategy of the mountain-river-forest-farmland-lake-grassland-sandy land ecosystems should be implemented to build ecological barrier for controlling and remediation of the black soil degradation.
张佳宝 中国工程院院士。中国科学院南京土壤研究所研究员。中国土壤学会理事长,国际土壤学联合会土壤工程与技术委员会主席。长期从事土壤物质迁移转化和水循环过程系统模拟及其生态环境效应、土壤信息快速获取、中低产田治理与地力提升理论和技术等方面的研究及其相关平台建设工作。针对我国 13亿亩中低产田土壤障碍因子多、地力水平低两大难题,创建了新一代中低产田治理的理论-核心技术-支撑设备-研发平台体系。发表学术论文 445篇(其中 SCI收录论文 165篇),出版专著 6部;获国家授权专利 35件、软件著作权 17项;获国家科技进步奖一等奖 1项、国家科技进步奖二等奖 3项;以及周光召农业科学家奖、中国土壤学会奖等多项个人荣誉。
ZHANG Jiabao Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering. Distinguished Professor in soil science of Institute of Soil Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences (ISSCAS), Chairman of Soil Science Society of China, Chairperson of Soil Engineering and Technology, International Union of Soil Science. His research field includes:the modeling of water and solute transports in soils and their effects on eco-environment; the monitoring of soil information; the amendment of problem soils and development of best management practices to maximize crop yield, water and fertilizer use efficiency and minimize environmental impacts on agricultural practices. He and his colleagues established a new version of theoretical and technological system to improve soil constraint factors and increase soil inherent productivity for 86 million hectares of middle and low yield arable land in China. He has published 6 books and 445 peer-review articles (including 165 SCI indexed papers); has been granted 35 patents and 17 softwares, and won a first prize and 3 second prizes of National Science and Technology Progress Award.