研发海洋“负排放”技术 支撑国家“碳中和”需求

Developing Ocean Negative Carbon Emission Technology to Support National Carbon Neutralization
        焦念志(厦门大学 海洋与地球学院 厦门 361005)
        carbon neutralization;negative emission;marine carbon sink;microbial carbon pump
        Carbon neutrality is the right means to cope with global warming. The basic approaches to achieve carbon neutralization include reducing CO2 emissions to the atmosphere and increasing carbon sinks or negative emissions (absorption of atmospheric CO2). As a developing country and a big emitter, China should try its best to increase carbon sinks while reducing emissions as much as possible. The ocean is the largest active carbon pool on Earth, with great potentials for carbon negative emission. We have established marine carbon sequestration theory, which has laid solid foundation for negative emission and set up the linkage between science and policy. At present, China should take the lead of the international program on the ocean negative carbon emission (ONCE), and put it into practice through top design, timely layout, and development of ONCE technology, and then establish ONCE protocols and standards for carbon trade.