2013 年后中国大气雾霾治理对经济发展的影响分析——以京津冀地区为案例

Impact of Air Pollution Prevention on Economic Development in China after 2013: Case Study for Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region
        姜克隽 代春艳 贺晨旻 朱松丽
        air pollution prevention, economy development, new industry, Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region, impact
        在大气雾霾治理进程中,认为大气雾霾治理对中国经济发展带来负面影响是当前的一个主导想法,这导致 政府对进一步改善大气质量产生为难情绪。文章采用 2013—2018 年的统计数据和实地调研数据,分析了潜在受 影响部门的产量、盈利及新兴产业的发展。并以环保产业作为案例,说明大气雾霾治理对经济发展的作用。研究 结果发现:和目前普遍认为的“大气雾霾治理对经济产生负面影响”的结论不一致,近年来大气雾霾治理的重点 地区,特别是京津冀地区,在环境质量提升的同时,潜在受负面影响的行业经济也发展良好;此外,先行治理地 区的相关环保产业发展良好,并引领全国。该结论对当前进一步深度大气治理仍然疑虑的地区有一定启发。地方 政府可以充分利用大气雾霾治理的机会,将环境治理、大气雾霾治理,以及温室气体减排和本地产业发展结合起 来,形成良性发展格局,促进本地经济发展。中国也应坚定不移地实现自身的环境根本性变革和 CO2 深度减排, 这既是人类命运共同体在环境、气候变化领域的体现,也是为中国企业在全球的发展提供的巨大机遇。
        Considering that the negative impact of air pollution prevention on China’s economic development is a dominant perspective currently, the government is difficult to further improve air quality. This study analyzes the output, the profit, and the development of some energy intensive industries in the potentially affected sectors based on the statistical data and field survey data from 2013 to 2018. Taking the environmental protection industry as an example, we analyzes the economic impact of China’s atmospheric governance policy after 2013. The results show that it is not consistent with the conclusion which air pollution prevention has a negative impact on the economy as considered generally. In the key areas of air pollution prevention in recent years, especially in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region, the economy has also developed well while improving environmental quality. This conclusion has some inspiration for the areas that still have deep doubts about further atmospheric air management. It is necessary to make full use of the opportunities of atmospheric haze governance, combining environmental governance, atmospheric haze control, and greenhouse gas emission reduction with local industrial development to form a benign development. The pattern promotes local economic development. As the same, China should realize the fundamental changes in the environment and deep reduction of CO2 emissions unswervingly. This is not only the embodiment of the community of human destiny in the field of environment and climate change, but also a great opportunity for the development of Chinese enterprises in the world.
中国宏观经济研究院能源研究所研究员。长期进行能源转型、温室气体减排、 大气雾霾治理路线图的政策评估研究,主持开发了中国能源政策综合评价(IPAC)模型 组。为国家规划、行业政策、地区政策提供研究支持。国家百千万人才工程入选者,国 务院政府特殊津贴获得者。
E-mail: kjiang@eri.org.cn
Senior researcher at Energy Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Marco-Economy Research. He works on policy assessment by using modeling tools, in the area of energy transition, GHG mitigation, air pollutant prevention, etc., and leads the development of IPAC model, to provide research support for national planning, industry policies, and regional policies. He is selected as member of National Key Talent Project, member of Special government allowance of the State Council.
E-mail: kjiang@eri.org.cn