
Emphasis on Role of Technology Sciences in Supply Side Reform of Science and Technology Innovation
        杨中楷(大连理工大学 科学学与科技管理研究所 大连 116024)
        梁永霞(中国科学院文献情报中心 北京 100190;中国科学院大学 经济与管理学院 图书情报与档案管理系 北京 100190)
        刘则渊(大连理工大学 科学学与科技管理研究所 大连 116024)
        technology sciences;innovation;supply side reform
        The concept of technology sciences was proposed by Mr. Tsien Hsue-shen. It occupies a middle position in the chain of basic science and engineering technology innovation and plays a bridging role. For a long time, the concept of technology sciences has been rarely mentioned in China's science and technology policy making process, which to a certain extent has led China's science and technology policy to either favor the basic research or the engineering and technology, which is not conducive to the output of major scientific and technological innovations. It can also lead to the occurrence of the “neck jam” phenomenon. In response to the above problems, the key role of technology sciences in the supply side of science and technology innovation is expounded through literature review and case study. In addition, we construct a whole chain model of science and technology innovation with basic science as its source and technology sciences as its core. This study puts forward countermeasures and suggestions from three perspectives: knowledge, talents, and policy. Through the supply side reform of science and technology innovation, the whole chain of science and technology innovation is accelerated to provide a strong source of driving force for innovation.
杨中楷 大连理工大学人文与社会科学学部教授、博士生导师。 2007年毕业于大连理工大学科学学与科技管理专业,获管理学博士学位。主要研究方向为科技政策与知识产权。累计主持国家级基金项目等8项课题,曾参与中国科学院学部咨询项目“关于重视技术科学对建设创新型国家的作用的建议”的研究工作。在《科学学研究》《科研管理》 《图书情报工作》《中国科学院院刊》等期刊累计发表论文90余篇。
YANG Zhongkai Professor and Doctoral Tutor in Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of Dalian University of Technology, received Ph.D. degree in Science Study and Science Technology Management from Dalian University of Technology in 2007. His main research direction is science and technology policy and intellectual property rights. He has hosted 8 National Science Fund Projects. He also participated in consulting project of Academic Divisions of Chinese Academy of Sciences. He has published more than 90 scientific papers on mainstream scientific journals such as Studies in Science of Science, Science Research Management, Library and Information Service, Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Science, and so on.
梁永霞 《中国科技期刊研究》编辑部主任、副研究馆员、副编审。 2009年毕业于大连理工大学科学学与科技管理专业,获管理学博士学位;清华大学科学与社会研究所博士后。主要研究方向:科学计量学、引文分析、科学知识图谱、期刊评价与管理等。出版专著2部,参编书籍4部;主持与参与6项国家级科研项目。在《科学学研究》《图书情报工作》《中国科技期刊研究》等期刊发表论文30余篇。
LIANG Yongxia Senior Editor, received Ph.D. degree from Dalian University of Technology in 2009, majoring in Science Study and Science Technology Management. After graduation she worked as a postdoctor in Institute of Science, Technology and Society at Tsinghua University from 2009 to 2011. In 2011, she was engaged as an editor in Chinese Journal of Scientific and Technical Periodicals and was promoted as Editorial Director and Associate Research Librarian in 2014. Her current main research interests include scientometrics, citation analysis, knowledge mapping, and journal evaluation and management. She has published 2 books and participated in editing 4 books, and more than 30 scientific papers on mainstream scientific journals such as Studies in Science of Science, Library and Information Service, Chinese Journal of Scientific and Technical Periodicals, and so on. She has hosted and participated in 6 National Science Fund Projects.