
Role of Basic Research Should Be Fully and Effectively Played during Organization and Implementation of R&D Programs in National Science-Technology Field
        basic research, organization and implementation, engineering development
        文章从技术创新发展的需要出发,阐述了基础研究和工程研制活动的相互关系,并 从组织实施方式角度分析了两者有效衔接的不足,体现为:在项目实施中,部分关键技术 细节的机理问题一直未获得明确认知,同时关键技术所需要的基础研究难以深度恰当地介 入其中。国家科技工程项目的组织实施,需要高度关注期间基础研究作用发挥的程度和效 率。解决这一问题必须从顶层入手,其改进思路应当是有针对性的顶层管理改革以及相应 的环境制度塑造。
        This paper starts from the demands of technological innovation, expounds the interrelation between basic research and engineering development, analyzes the shortage of effective link-up between the two above at present in China, the team of engineering development cannot get a deep understanding of the mechanism of the key technical details for a long time while the team of basic research cannot get deepintervention of the key technical details during the program implementation. In order to effectively implement national program, we all should pay great attention to the operating efficiency of basic research. To solve the problem from the root, top-level organizational system should be firstly taken into consideration.
中科院重大科技任务局高级工程师,光电工程专业硕士。长期从事光电与航空航天系统工程领域相关的国家 科技重大专项和科技工程项目协调管理,参与组织研究了多项战略高技术发展规划。
E-mail: wgxiao@cashq.ac.cn

Xiao Weigang
Senior engineer of Bureau of Major R&D Programs, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), Master of photoelectrical engineering. He has long been engaged in coordination and management for national key projects of Science and Technology related to photoelectrical engineering and aerospace, participated in activities of planning research for strategic high technology.
E-mail: wgxiao@cashq.ac.cn