
New Science and Technology Revolution and Ternary Fusion Society
        new sci-tech revolution, human-machines-things intelligence, ternary fusion society, Xiong’an New Area
        从大历史观角度来看,文明进步、发展模式、世界格局、科技创新、中国发展都 处在重大转折期。全球创新活动进入一个新的密集期,绿色、健康、智能引领创新方 向,人工智能、新能源技术、新生物技术等多点突破、交叉汇聚,颠覆性技术不断涌 现,新科技革命加速产业变革。以人为本的人机物三元融合社会孕育兴起,人与自然和 谐相处,成为伙伴关系;人工智能等新科技将改变人与机器的关系,可能使机器从人类 的工具和从属,逐步上升为伙伴。雄安新区因疏解而生、应创新而起、逐智能而强,新 一轮科技革命和产业变革是雄安新区建设最大的变量和增量,在未来建设中,应采取 “国家创新特区”的体制,充分用好新科技革命的成果,积极探索人机物三元融合社会 下的未来城市新形态。
        From the view point of grand history, civilization progress, development mode, world pattern, sci-tech innovation, and development of China are all in the significant turnaround period. Global innovation activity has entered a new round of intensive period. Green, health, and intelligence drive the direction of innovation; artificial intelligence, new energy source technology, and new biological technology hosts the multi-breakthroughs and cross-convergence, disruptive technology continues to merge, new sci-tech revolution promotes the industrial reform. People-oriented ternary fusion society of human, machines, and things is nurtured, while human and nature getting alone well and their relationship becomes to be the partners; new sci-tech such as artificial intelligence will change the relationship between human and machine, for the machine, it may from the position of human’s tool and subordinate, gradually become to be the partner. Xiong’an New Area is born from functional dispersal, rises because of innovation, and strengthens for the designation of intelligence. New round of sci-tech revolution and industrial reform are the biggest variable and increment of Xiong’an New Area’s construction, in the future construction, we should adopt the mechanism of “National Special Innovation Zone”, take fully advantages of new sci-tech achievements, and explore new form of future city under ternary fusion society of human, machines, and things.
中科院科技战略咨询院院长,中国发展战略学研究会理事长。研究员,博士生导师。曾任中科院副秘书长、 规划战略局局长、发展规划局局长、党组办公室主任、办公厅副主任等。主要从事科技战略规划、创新政策和智库理 论方法研究。参加国家科技规划、新兴产业规划战略研究和编制,科技体制改革研究、政策法规制订和文件起草。具 体组织了“中国至 2050 年重要领域科技发展路线图”研究和“创新 2050:科学技术与中国的未来”系列战略研究报 告出版,是总报告《科技革命与中国的现代化——关于中国面向 2050 年科技发展战略的思考》的主要执笔人之一。作 为总体研究组组长,具体组织了《科技发展新态势与面向 2020 年的战略选择》战略研究报告的研究与出版等。承担了 提高自主创新能力、建设创新型国家、创新驱动发展战略顶层设计、未来重大科技项目、国家实验室建设等重大课题 研究。具体组织开展了知识创新工程实施情况整体评估,国家中长期科技发展规划纲要实施中期评估,国务院有关政 策措施落实情况第三方评估等评估工作。参加了知识创新工程、“创新 2020”“率先行动计划”等方案、规划和重大 改革举措的研究制定和推进实施,主持起草了若干中科院的重要政策性文件、发展规划、规章制度和重要改革方案。 在Integration: the VLSI Journal, Graphs and Combinatorics,《中国科学》《瞭望》《中国科学院院刊》等刊物发表多 篇文章。合著《中国与美日德法英五国科技的比较研究》《区域创新集群建设的理论与实践》 等。合编《当代世界科 技》《世界主要国立科研机构概况》等。
E-mail: jfpan@casisd.cn

Pan Jiaofeng
Professor, Director-General of Institutes of Science and Development, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), and Chairman of Chinese Association of Development Strategy Studies. He ever served as vice Secretary-General of CAS, as Director of Bureau of Planning and Strategy, as Director of Bureau of Development and Planning, and as Deputy Director of General office of CAS. He mainly engages in S&T strategic planning, innovation policy, and Think-tank theory and methodology research. He participated in national S&T planning, emerging industry planning, policy research and document drafting on national S&T system reform, research report drafting of S&T strategy,the formulation of some policiesand regulations. He organized the serial strategic research: “China’s S&T Roadmaps to 2050” (“Innovation 2050” for short), and the serial reports including Chinese version & English version, have been published successively. He is also one of the principal authors of the general report “Science & Technology in China: A Roadmap to 2050”. As general research team leader, he organized and published “Vision 2020: The Emerging Trends in Science & Technology and Strategic Option of China”. He has lead the overall assessment on the 13 years of “Knowledge Innovation Program” with an evaluation report published. He undertook some key strategic research projects, such as improving the innovation capability and building up innovative country, the implementation of development strategy driven by innovation, and S&T project concerned about the future long-term development. He has involved in the strategic research, planning, major reform measures formulation and implementation of CAS landmark initiatives, such as “Knowledge Innovation Program”, “Innovation 2020”, and “Pioneer Action Plan”. He has presided over the drafting of a large number of important policy documents, development planning, regulations and reform programs of CAS. He published papers in Integration: the VLSI Journal, Graphs and Combinatorics, Science in China, Outlook Weekly, Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences, etc. He also co-published “The Comparative Study of Science and Technology between China and the United states, Japan, Germany, France, and the United Kingdom”, etc.
E-mail: jfpan@casisd.cn