
Entrepreneurs and Entrepreneurial Environment:Perspective of Individual and Social Development
        伍 麟 万仞雪 曹婧甜
        social governance, transition in trust, out-group trust, institution-based trust, high trust level society
        自1978 年改革开放以来,中国社会正在经历一场历史上前所未有的伟大实践。持续出 现且继续深化的各种新社会生活形式,如虚拟空间与信息交流的广泛渗透和升级,社会流 动与文化观念的不断加速和变迁,劳动分工与工作方式的日益精细和专业化,人际交往与 心理体验的普遍拓展和功利化等,倒逼着人们比其他任何历史生活年代都更为迫切地诉求 在社会实践和社会互动中营造普遍的信任环境,实现有效的合作。为实现富强民主、文明 诚信的社会理想和社会主义核心价值观,中国社会治理进程将会面临信任的三大变迁:即 从内群信任转向外群信任的群际信任变迁,从人际信任转向制度信任的抽象信任变迁,从 低信任社会转向高信任社会的社会信任变迁。
        The study reviews the role of the individual in the development of society, and the influence of the social psychology on the development of the society, especially the influence of the social mentality. Using the survey data of the social mentality of entrepreneurs, the characteristics of the current entrepreneurs and the characteristics of the Chinese society has been going through an unprecedented challenge since the implementation of the reform and opening-up policy in 1978. The ever changing new forms of social activities, such as the vast permeation and constant update of visual space communications; the acceleration in social mobility; the transition of cultural conceptions; the specialization of labor division as well as the utilitarian orientation of interpersonal relationships ,makes it imperative to forge effective collaboration in social practices and social interaction. To build a strong, prosperous and culturally advanced country, three main transitions is about to emerge during the process of social governance of Chinese society: intergroup trust transits from in-group to out-group; generalized trust transits from individual trust to institution-based trust; social trust transits from low level to a higher level.
伍 麟
武汉大学社会学系教授。 2002 年获吉林大学科学技术哲学博士学位。主要研究方向为:社会信任、现代化 变迁和风险认知等问题。已发表 SSCI 和 CSSCI 学术论文 50 余篇。多篇论文被《中国社会科学文摘》等全文转载。

Wu Lin
Professor of Sociology Department of Wuhan University, received his PhD in Science and Technology philosophy from Jilin University in 2002. His research focuses on modernization transition and risk recognition. He has published over 50 papers on SSCI and CSSCI. Several papers of him have been fully copied by “China Social Science Journal” and some other major journals.