
Analysis of Ecological Civilization in Social Horizontal and Historical Longitudinal Scales
        ecological civilization, socially horizontal, historical longitudinal, position analysis
        文章在前人大量研究的基础上,对生态文明的社会横向地位与历史纵向地位进行剖 析,提出了解释生态文明社会横向地位的“并列交叉模式图” 和解释生态文明历史纵向地 位的“逐渐发生模式图” ,并讨论了二个模式中的生态文明的发展格局与动态机制,以期 深化对生态文明内涵的理解,从而有助于生态文明基础理论的完善。
        The ecological civilization in social horizontal and historical longitudinal scales was researched on the basis of a large number of previous studies. The Coordinate Cross Model (CCM) for explaining the position of ecological civilization in social horizontal scale, and the Gradually Occurrence Model (GCM) for explaining the position of ecological civilization in historical longitudinal scale were proposed. The development patterns and the dynamic causes in the models were discussed.
中山大学生命科学学院教授,博士生导师,中山大学生态与进化研究所所长。先后留学美、澳、德、英等 国。曾任中科院广州分院、广东省科学院常务副院长,中科院华南植物所所长。中国生态学会副理事长、国务院学位 委员会学科评审组成员、教育部高校教学指导委员会学科副主任委员等职务。主要研究领域为恢复生态学,主持完成 科研课题 90 余项,其中多项国家自然科学基金重大和重点项目、中科院和广东省重大和重点项目。发表专著 19 部、 论文 500 余篇,其中 SCI 收录 100 余篇。被 SCI 引用千余篇次;被中文期刊引用 18 000 余篇次, H 指数为 70。获国 家、省市各类科技奖 22 项,其中省部级一等奖以上重大科技进步奖和自然科学奖5项(均为主持人)。先后荣获“全 国先进工作者”、国家“五一”劳动奖章、“全国优秀科技工作者”和“全国扶贫先进个人奖”等荣誉奖。

Peng Shaolin
Director of Institute of Ecology and Evolution, Sun Yat-Sen University, Vice Chairman of Ecology Society of China, and Vice Chairman of Environment Science Society of Guangdong, China. His research area is restoration ecology. He has completed more than 90 science projects, including the national key projects, the key projects of Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the key projects of Guangdong Province. He has published 19 books and near 500 scientific papers, cited over 18000 times. He has achieved the prize of honor over 40 times, including National Model Worker, the National May 1 Labor Medal, National Excellent Scientist and Artisan Medal, Chinese Academy of Sciences Zhu Ke-Zhen Fieldwork Medal, as well as National Medal of Excellent Individuals Contributing to Poverty Alleviation. E-mail: lsspsl@mail.sysu.edu.cn