
Informatization Patterns and Strategy of the Belt and Road
        程昊 孙九林 董锁成 郭鹏 李富佳 李宇 李泽红 王卷乐
        the Belt and Road, informatization, development patterns, development strategy, development measures
        文章基于实证数据,研究了“一带一路”信息化发展格局,分析 发现“一带一路”沿线各国信息化基础设施建设存在较大“数字鸿沟”,同时各国信息产 业贸易发展格局极不均衡。进而提出了我国针对“一带一路”的信息化发展战略,即突破 “数字鸿沟”,沿“一带一路”六大经济走廊,通过输出信息化产品及服务,深化互联互 通战略合作,建设数字“一带一路”。最后给出了我国制定针对“一带一路”的信息化发 展战略的建议,即积极开展顶层设计、组建信息化发展共同体、推进卫星通讯及跨境光缆 建设、扶持信息产业企业走出国门、推进智慧城市及世界城市建设、加强“互联网+跨境电 子商务”及“互联网+跨境物流合作”等。文章以国际的视野、科学的分析助力国家的顶层 战略,为“一带一路”建设提供理论依据及战略支撑。
        “Silk Road Economic Belt” and “The 21st Century Marine Silk Road” are the strategic initiative proposed by Chinese President Xi Jinping, to build a new sustainable international political and economic order, face the complex and changeable international geopolitical economic patterns and combat the global economic crisis. Build a large scale informatization engineering project, conering Asia, Europe and Africa, is the prerequisite and material base for the realization of the strategic goals of “the Belt and Road Initiative”. The informational interconnection and intercommunication is not only the supplement but also the essential condition of the political trust, economic integration, and cultural tolerant. In this research, through the study of existing literature and data, the authors built the informatization patterns of “the Belt and Road”, and revealed that there was a big “digital divide” of the informational infrastructure construction in the countries along “the Belt and Road”, and the development patterns of the information industry trade were unbalanced. Then the authors put forward the informatization development strategy of “the Belt and Road”, which were that China should break through the “digital divide”, output information products and services along the six economic corridors of “the Belt and Road”, deepen the strategic cooperation of informational interconnection and intercommunication, and construct “the digital Belt and Road” . Finally, the author established the informatization development measures of “the Belt and Road”, which were that China should carry out the top-level design, promote satellite communications and cross-border fiber optic cable construction, support information industry enterprises go out of the country, construct “The Smart City” and “The World City”. strengthen internet plus cross-border electronic commerce and internet plus cross-border physical distribution, and so on. This research took the international perspective and scientific analysis to support “the Belt and Road Initiative”, and the conclusions will provide a strong theoretical basis and strategic support for the construction of “the Belt and Road”.
程 昊
“一带一路”国际科学家联盟智库专家,中科院地理科学与资源所研究助理,博士研究生,城市规划工程师。1985年出生,吉林省吉林市人。研究方向为区域生态经济。2007年北京林业大学园林学院城市规划专业本科毕业,2012年进入中科院地理科学与资源所攻读博士学位。作为子课题负责人和主要参与人,参加国家自然科学基金重点项目、国家科技基础专项项目、国际合作项目、省部级科研课题、中科院、地方等多项科研课题,获得国家级奖项3项,省/自治区级奖项2项。发表20篇SCI、EI和CSCD核心期刊论文,并获得中国自然资源学会2015年学术年会青年优秀论文奖。E-mail: Chenghao0011@163.com
Cheng Hao
Born in 1985 in Jilin City of Jilin Province, China. Expert of Think Tank of the International Scientist Union of “the Belt and Road Initiative”. Assistant researcher of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Doctoral Candidate, Major in regional ecological economics. She graduated from Beijing Forestry University in 2007, and entered Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research for doctor degree in 2012. As a major participant, she has took part in many research projects, such as National Natural Science Foundation of China, National Science Foundation Special Projects, International Cooperation Projects, Provincial or Ministerial Scientific Research. She has won 3 national awards and 2 provincial awards, published 20 papers indexed by SCI, EI and CSCD, and won the Youth Best Paper Award of Academic annual conference of China Society of Natural Resources in 2015. E-mail:Chenghao0011@163.com

男,中科院地理科学与资源所助理研究员,博士。“一带一路”国际科学家联盟智库骨干专家,中国自然资源学会青年工作委员会理事。1983年出生,辽宁省北票市人,2014年清华大学公共管理学院公共管理学专业博士后出站,现工作于中科院地理科学与资源所资源经济与能矿资源研究室。主要从事资源经济与资源战略、生态经济、区域可持续发展研究等。主持或参与完成科技部国家科技基础专项、国家自然科学基金重点项目、面上项目、中科院、部委和地方课题及国际合作项目30余项。在Ecological Modelling、Energy Policy、《地理研究》等国内外核心学术期刊发布学术论文20余篇。参与撰写的2份重要咨询报告被中办采用。E-mail: lifujia2003@163.com
Li Fujia
Male, Born in 1983 in Beipiao City of Liaoning Province, China. Doctor, Assistant professor of Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Core Expert of Think Tank of the International Scientist Union of “the Belt and Road Initiative”. He accomplished the post-doctoral research project in The School of Public Policy and Management (SPPM) of Tsinghua University in 2014., then engaged in scientific research work in Resource Economics and Energy Mineral Resource Research Department of the Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research. His research focuses on resources economy and resources strategy, ecological economy, regional sustainable development research and so on. He presided and completed more than thirty research projects of National Natural Science Foundation of China, National Science Foundation Special Projects, International Cooperation Projects, Provincial or Ministerial Scientific Research. He has published over 20 academic papers on domestic and overseas core journals such as Ecological Modelling, Energy Policy and Geographical Research, etc. As one of main authors, he wrote two important consultation reports which were adopted by the General Office of the CPC Central Committee. E-mail: lifujia2003@163.com