        Review and Discussion on Nuclear Safety Research of Innovative Nuclear Energy System
        核能利用从未止步,人类对核安全的认识也在不断加深。在福岛核事故 5 周年和切尔 诺贝利核事故 30 周年之际,文章针对革新型核能系统,从安全目标、设计理念、安全评价 和风险认知 4 个方面对核安全研究进行了回顾与思考,指出当前存在的问题及面临的挑战, 探讨未来发展趋势,并提出“四项革新”的建议:(1)安全目标从技术重返社会;(2) 通过革新型反应堆技术,避免无限制复杂化纵深防御来解决安全问题;(3)重视理论引导 的安全评价方法,采用系统化评价体系;(4)在政府/工业界/社会之间建立“第三方”并 通过其发挥桥梁和纽带作用等。
        It is known that the evolution of the public perception of nuclear safety is continuing with the development of nuclear energy. As a commemoration of the 30th anniversary of Chernobyl nuclear disaster and also the 5th anniversary of Fukushima nuclear disaster, in this paper the history of nuclear safety R&D was reviewed for the innovative nuclear energy systems, mainly concentrating on four aspects including safety goal, safety criteria, safety assessment, and risk perception. On this basis, the key challenges were summarized as well as the development trend. Furthermore, “four innovations” were proposed for the nuclear safety R&D in the future: “innovation of safety goal” ensuring the safety goal to be society-based rather than technology-based; “innovation of safety design” implementing the innovative reactor technology for inherent safety rather than only increasing the complexity of defense in depth; “innovation of safety assessment” relying on the theoretical guidance and systematic assessment; and “innovation of risk perception” establishing the “third party” evaluation system to interact among government, industry, and society.