Manure Water Conversion and Soil Remediation
Manure Water Conversion and Soil Remediation
曹志强1(中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所 北京 100101;北京云农场科技股份有限公司 北京 100020)
杨秀平(济宁医学院 济宁 272067)
张伟(济宁神农画圆生态系统模式推广公司 济宁 272000)
杨秀平(济宁医学院 济宁 272067)
张伟(济宁神农画圆生态系统模式推广公司 济宁 272000)
microbial agriculture;mature water;non-point source pollution;remediation of soil;soil microorganism
粪水转化是实施微生物农业和修复土壤的一种较好方法: 精心选择合适的微生物群和繁育技术将粪水转化为高效的液体肥料和菌剂, 利用转化后粪水中的有益微生物及其代谢物, 为农作物提供营养, 对土壤和土壤微生物系统进行修复。通过对粪水转化的技术可行性和经济可行性分析, 和其转化过程、目的意义的分析, 论述了粪水作为一种在农村广泛分布的资源, 具有较好的产业前景。最后对长期、深入开展粪水转化相关研究的必要性以及粪水转化利用所需防范的风险进行了阐述。
Manure water conversion is a good method in microbial agriculture and remediation of soil. It is a process of using well-selected microbiota and breeding technology to convert manure water into liquid fertilizer and bacteria agent, which then contains beneficial microorganisms and their metabolites. The converted manure water nourishes crops as well as remedies the soil and its microbial system. Manure water is a rich and sustainable resource that is widely available in agricultural areas. The conversion of manure water will certainly become an industry which serves as a basic segment of agriculture. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out a series of further scientific research in this field.