Management and Efficient Agricultural Utilization of Salt-affected Soil in China
Management and Efficient Agricultural Utilization of Salt-affected Soil in China
杨劲松(中国科学院南京土壤研究所 南京 210008)
姚荣江(中国科学院南京土壤研究所 南京 210008)
姚荣江(中国科学院南京土壤研究所 南京 210008)
salt-affected soils;agricultural utilization;classified management;engineering;industry promotion
我国盐碱地治理利用潜力巨大, 随着近40 年的不断治理改造, 其呈现出面积总量减少, 重度盐碱地面积比例总体降低但局部区域次生盐碱化加重、撂荒地增加、水资源制约愈加显著等特征。尽管近年来我国通过一系列的科技攻关项目, 取得了盐碱地资源多尺度评估、蒸发阻断农艺高效抑盐、工程-农艺结合增强土壤排盐、节水灌溉优化灌排管理控盐、重度盐碱地和盐荒地盐土农业直接利用等8 大体系40 多项实用技术, 但是缺乏完善的分类治理技术体系、技术工程化程度低、长效后期管护不足、农田基本建设工程和产业政策间衔接不紧密等, 造成推广应用难度大、治理效果不稳定、后期投入不足、社会参与积极性不高等现实问题。针对以上现状, 文章提出盐碱地分类治理与农业高效开发利用的"基础研究+前沿技术研发+应用示范+产业推进+商业发展"相结合的"全链条产业"创新发展思路, 通过产学研资用相结合的新型模式, 形成我国盐碱地分类治理与水-土-生物资源高效利用的基础理论体系与关键技术体系, 构建适宜的盐碱地分类治理工程化配套模式, 依托全国多部门合作在全国盐碱区内进行工程化推广示范, 引导新型经营主体和社会力量参与产业化开发, 创建我国障碍性资源治理改造与高值化利用的样板。
The situation for food security and cultivated land security is getting increasing severe in China, and this addressed imminence requirements of the management, amelioration, and agricultural utilization of reserve soil resources such as saline soil, acid soil, aeolian sandy soil, and edaphic barren soil. Among them, salt-affected soil was regarded as the most potential reserve soil type in agricultural amelioration and utilization owing to its abundance and relatively suitable water and heat conditions in the saline areas. This paper summarized the resource conditions, status quo of utilization, existing problems and prospect of the management and utilization of salt-affected soil in China, the achievements and viewpoints of the research team of the authors were also included. The potential of the management and utilization of salt-affected soil was generally enormous in China. With the continuous recovery and improvement in the recent 40 years, the salt-affected soil resource exhibited the trends including decline in the total area, decrease in the proportion of heavily salinized soil, aggravation of soil salinization in the local areas, increase of abandoned land, and the increasing inhibition of water resource. Along with the implement of a series of key projects of science and technology in China, 8 technological architectures consisting of over 40 practical technologies was developed. These technologies mainly focused on multi-scale assessment and precision planning of salt-affected soil resources, salt restriction by blocking soil evaporation using agronomic measures, enhancing leaching efficiency using engineering and agronomic measures, salt control by optimizing drainage and irrigation system using water-saving practices, and growing salt-tolerant crops or halophytes in heavily salinized and abandoned soil, etc.. However, we are still faced with many pending problems, such as lack of systemic technological architecture of classified management, low engineering degree of the present technologies, short of long-term management and protection, loose connection between technologies and basic farmland infrastructure construction and industrial policies. These problems resulted in a lot of consequences like the difficulty in the generalization of present achievements, instability of the management effects, deficiency in the investment, and low enthusiasm of social participation. Based upon the above status, authors proposed the innovative development idea of "the whole industry chain", which combined the fundamental research, development of frontier technologies, application and demonstration, industry promotion, and commercial exploration. Using this novel mode which assembled facets of production, teaching, research, capital and customers, we would establish the basic theoretical system and key technological system of classified management of salt-affected soil and the high efficient utilization of water, soil, and biological resources, construct the engineering models of classified management of salt-affected soil, carry out the engineering generalization and demonstration in the saline areas depending on the corporation of multi departments, and attract the new business entities and social forces to participate the industrial development. This work would help to create a template for the efficient management and high-value utilization of barrier resources in China.
杨劲松 中科院南京土壤所研究员, 博士生导师, 中国科学院大学教授。目前担任国际土壤学联合会(IUSS)盐渍土专业委员会副主席, 中国土壤学会盐碱土专业委员会荣誉主任。主要研究领域为盐碱土治理与利用。任国家公益性行业专项"盐碱地农业高效利用配套技术模式研究与示范"首席专家。先后主持并完成包括国家农业行业专项、"973"项目课题、"863"重点项目课题等40 余项课题。获中科院科技进步奖2 项、江苏省科技进步奖1 项。发表学术论文近300 篇, 合作和参与编写学术专著4 部。E-mail: jsyang@issas.ac.cn