
Strengthening Soil and Environment Management of Agricultural Producing Area, Promoting Sustainable Development of Agriculture in China
        张桃林(中华人民共和国农业部 北京 100026)
        soil and environment of agricultural producing area;agricultural non-point source pollution;quality management of cultivated land;sustainable development of agriculture
        近年来, 我国农业综合生产能力不断跃上新的台阶, 有力保障了国家粮食安全和主要农产品有效供给, 在支撑经济社会发展大局中发挥了至关重要的基础作用。但长期以来, 由于我国农业发展主要以追求产量为目标, 一些地方水土等资源的过度开发和化学投入品的过量使用, 导致了农业资源消耗与环境污染问题日益突出。针对我国粮食和主要农产品供给已进入"总量基本平衡、结构性短缺、长期性偏紧"的新常态特征, 以及我国农业资源总量不足、质量不高, 特别是时空配置上的不协调和利用上的不合理, 农业面源污染与土壤退化等问题, 必须从保障我国粮食及主要农产品数量供给安全、农产品质量安全、农产品产地资源环境安全的目标任务出发, 加强土壤和产地环境治理, 加快农业生态文明建设, 走中国特色现代农业可持续发展道路。
        The comprehensive agricultural production capacity in China has leapt to a new level, which ensured the national food security and the effective supply of major agricultural products, and played a significantly fundamental role in supporting economic and social development. However, since the development of agriculture has been mainly in the sense of output pursuit for a long time, the over-exploitation of water and soil resources as well as the overuse of agrochemicals has excessively consumed the agricultural resources and prominently increased environmental pollution. Currently, the supply of grain and major agricultural products in China has entered a new normal featured by"basically balanced in total quantity, structural shortage, and long-term tight supply". The problems are outstanding in terms of insufficiency and low quality of agricultural resources, especially the space-time configuration mismatch and unreasonable usage. The issues of agricultural non-point source pollution and soil degradation have become increasingly serious. We must strengthen the management of soil and environment of agricultural producing areas, speed up achieving ecological progress in agriculture, and follow the path with Chinese characteristics to promote sustainable development in modern agriculture, with a view to ensuring the supply security, quality and safety, as well as environmental safety of producing areas of grain and major agricultural products in China.
张桃林 农业部副部长,中国科协副主席, 中国农学会会长。1961 出生, 江苏姜堰人。E-mail: wangsheng@agri.gov.cn