钱程程1,3 , 陈戈2,3     
1. 国家海洋局北海预报中心 青岛 266061;
2. 中国海洋大学 信息科学与工程学院 青岛 266000;
3. 青岛海洋科学与技术国家实验室 区域海洋动力学与数值模拟功能实验室 青岛 266000
关键词海洋大数据    研究现状    未来方向    关键技术    
Big Data Science for Ocean: Present and Future
QIAN Chengcheng1,3, CHEN Ge2,3     
1. North China Sea Marine Forecasting Center of State Oceanic Administration, Qingdao 266061, China;
2. College of Information Science and Engineering, Ocean University of China, Qingdao 266000, China;
3. Laboratory for Regional Oceanography and Numerical Modeling, Qingdao National Laboratory for Marine Science and Technology, Qingdao 266000, China
Author: QIAN Chengcheng  Attended the Ocean University of China (OUC) where she obtained her Ph.D.degree in Cartography and Geography Information System in 2015.After graduation she was a Postdoctoral Fellow at OUC (2015-2017).Since 2017, she has been an Engineer of Ocean Big Data Application at the North China Sea Marine Forecasting Center of State Oceanic Administration.As the leader or participant she has participated in more than 10 projects, such as China Postdoctoral Science Foundation, Doctoral Candidate Creative Foundation of Ocean University of China, and National Natural Science Foundation of China.She has published 14 papers in internationally recognized journals, which 12 of them are SCI indexed.E-mail:qianchengcheng@bhfj.gov.cn
CHEN Ge  Attended the Ocean University of China (OUC) where he obtained his B.S.degree in Marine Physics in 1988, M.S.degree in Satellite Oceanography in 1990, and Ph.D.degree in Physical Oceanography in 1993.After graduation he was a Postdoctoral Fellow at IFREMER (The French Research Institute for the Exploitation of the Sea), France (1994-1996).Since 1997, he has been a Professor of Satellite Oceanography and Meteorology at OUC.He served as the Executive Secretary of the International Pan Ocean Remote Sensing Conference (PORSEC) Association during 1998 and 2002.In 2001 he received the National Natural Science Funding for Outstanding Young Scientists by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, and became the Chair Professor of Cheung Kong Scholars Program nominated by the Chinese Ministry of Education.He is the Deputy Dean of the Institute for Advanced Marine Sciences at OUC, and was the Dean of the College of Information Science and Engineering during 2004 and 2017.Prof.Chen is the author of more than 100 peer-reviewed scientific papers published in internationally recognized journals.Prof.Chen is a member of the Expert Committee on Ocean Technology for the National High Technology Program (the"863"Program) of China nominated by the Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology.His current research interests include satellite remote sensing of the ocean and big data oceanography.E-mail:gechen@ouc.edu.cn
Corresponding author: CHEN Ge
Abstract: With major improvements in ocean observations and modeling, as well as in data science development, current oceanography has gone through three critical transformations:theory-driven, technology-driven, and data-dominant. Oceanography big data are indispensable in humankind's journey to better learn the seas. The importance of big data in society development and national core competence is increasingly recognized by all countries. This paper addresses the overall development of big data acquiring, analysis, and application. Big data now can be obtained from platforms based in the space, the air, the land, and the ocean. However, breakthroughs are needed in such conditions as deep seas, extreme environments, and where high resolution is required. Compared to other nations, big data storage, management, and mining in China are relatively preliminary. On the other hand, we are leading in data visualization. Many areas are seeking for the application of ocean big data and paying attention to the latest discoveries. Still, connections between the applications and the upstream data acquiring and analyses are sometimes lost. Ocean big data have such features as being spatial-temporal coupled and geographically related when it comes to the fields of marine food safety, ocean pollution and mankind health, marine accidents, marine biodiversity, blue economy, etc. It is a general trend to apply ocean big data in the newly established fields. First, being spatial-temporal coupled is one of the most important features for air-land-sea data sets, which are also known as multi-dimensional data. As the observational techniques developing increasingly fast, it is getting more critical to get as high resolution data as possible in every dimension. Therefore, it is necessary to start analyzing the data sets from both temporal and spatial aspects, while this could pose a serious challenge to the ocean big data deep analyses since multiple factors should be considered in time and space. Another character of air-land-sea data is that they are geographically related. Different from being randomly distributed like the big data in other areas, ocean big data are all influenced by adjacent pixels. Since pixels sitting close to each other typically has linear or non-linear relationships with each other, the models on different temporal-spatial scales are presented in different ways. As a result, it is still very challenging in terms of ocean big data obtaining, analysis and application. Therefore, it becomes a critical issue which needs to be addressed by closely combining oceanography and data field in order to deal with the scientific or technical or engineering or even humanity challenges. This study proposes the possible research topics and key techniques in ocean big data field in 5 to 10 years:(1) investigating the potential areas and methods of the fusion of ocean science and big data field; (2) exploring the possible observation plans in support of ocean big data development; (3) determining the oceanography and information development trends which can fit the most features of big data; (4) studying the techniques and platforms of ocean big data sharing; and (5) exploring the development and technical requirements of possible new areas of ocean big data applications. In the future, step by step, we hope to keep investigating the methods of obtaining ocean big data with high resolution in extreme conditions such as deep sea trenches, and to find new analyses theories and techniques to make possible breakthroughs in terms of the multi-dimensional analyses of ocean big data. We will also try to realize the establishment of a new platform where ocean big data can be freely shared. Another goal is to satisfy the different needs in areas like marine food safety, marine pollution and society health, marine accidents, biodiversity, etc. and to ensure the new ocean big data based industries being smoothly established. This paper will be a significant contribution in understanding the oceans and improving our marine forecast abilities.
Keywords: ocean big data     research actuality     future direction     key technologies    

现代海洋科学的发展古往今来经历了3个阶段:①理论牵引阶段。该阶段的许多重大理论圆满地解释了海洋中的物理现象,长足推进了人们对海洋的认识。虽然该阶段缺少观测资料,但是发展的理论基本都具有里程碑的意义。②观测牵引阶段。该阶段各类观测手段逐渐发展起来,主要包括海洋调查船、浮标、潜水器、遥感以及Argo监测网等。③数据牵引阶段。随着观测技术手段的不断丰富,也带来了数据量的不断攀升,海洋科学迎来了第三阶段。从2008年开始,NatureScienceEconomist等杂志及Computing Community Consortium(计算社区联盟)等组织将“大数据”引入到各个领域[1-6]。“大数据”被定义为数据量增长速度快,用常规的数据工具无法在一定时间内进行采集、处理、存储和计算的数据集合,拥有数据量大(volume)、类型繁多(variety)、价值密度低(value)、速度快时效高(velocity)和在线式(online)五大特征[7, 8]。由于海洋数据的数据来源广泛、种类繁多,数据量已增至PB量级,时间分辨率跨越不同尺度,同时需要及时处理分析用于各类决策支撑,因此海洋数据已然成为“大数据”的典范。



① Spatiotemporal database. [2018-07-20]. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spatiaotemporal_data base.



1 海洋大数据获取现状




(3)潜水器。又称为深潜器,是一种自带推动力的海洋考察设备——既能在水面行驶,又能在水下独立开展工作[10]。1554年意大利人塔尔奇利亚发明的木质球形潜水器,对后来潜水器的研制产生了巨大影响。1717年英国人哈雷设计了第一个有实用价值的潜水器,此后直到20世纪60年代,人类对潜水器的研制主要致力于下潜深度的突破。“蛟龙”号是中国自行设计、自主集成研制的深海载人潜水器,目前以下潜深度7 062 m,成为世界上下潜能力最深的作业型载人潜水器

② AUV. [2018-07-20]. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Autonomous_underwater_vehicle.

③ 国家深海基地管理中心. [2018-07-20]. http://www.ndsc.org.cn/.

(4)海洋遥感。该方法是利用传感器对海洋进行远距离非接触观测,以获取海洋景观和海洋要素的图像或数据资料;其发展历程大致可分为起步期(1939— 1969年)、试验期(1970—1977年)、研究期(1978— 1991年)、应用期(1992年至今)[12]。20世纪90年代,遥感卫星开始大量发射;截至2012年底,在轨卫星数量为115颗,涉及超过30个空间机构[13, 14]。预测到2030年还会再有156颗卫星发射,届时总数将达到271颗。

(5)海洋观测网络。美国的Seaweb是世界上最早部署和应用的海洋观测网络;Argo计划则是由美国海洋科学家于1998年倡导发起的一个监测全球海洋的大型网络,全世界几十个国家参与其中。截至2018年7月,布放在全球海洋中仍处于工作状态的Argo剖面浮标已达3 762个。未来,Argo剖面浮标将增加到近4 000个;在维持现有Argo观测内容的基础上,新的Argo浮标观测范围将扩大到海面2 000 m以下甚至海底,同时携带安装生物、地球、化学等新型传感器。

④ Argo. [2018-07-20]. http://www.argo.ucsd.edu/.


2 海洋大数据分析技术现状




⑤ Twitter Storm. [2018-07-20]. http://www.oschina.net/p/twitter-storm.

(3)海洋大数据表达可视化。利用科学可视化技术展示海洋数据以及更进一步地利用可视化分析技术挖掘时空数据规律,是建立从感知到认知的关键技术桥梁。海洋矢量场可视化算法主要有图表法、几何法[26, 27]、纹理法[28]、拓扑法[29]等。标量场可视化算法在大规模体绘制[30-32]、实时光照[33, 34]、多变量提特征提取[32, 35]、二维时空可视化等方面都取得了重要成果[36-39]。但是随着海洋数据体量的继续增大,对可视化表达方式、处理效能等方面都提出了非常高的要求,需要一方面尽可能真实地反映数据的特性,另一方面充分提供系统的承载能力和处理能力,提高数据的更新和绘制能力。


3 海洋大数据应用现状

海洋大数据的应用主要为社会经济发展及气候预测等提供决策支撑。目前,世界各国都在积极投入“数字海洋”的建设,并为进一步建设“智慧海洋”平台奠定基础,如美国和加拿大制定的“海王星”计划、日本的“ ARANA”计划、非洲沿海25国的“非洲近海资源数据和网络信息平台”以及中国的“ iOcean”平台等。海洋大数据在气候预警报决策支撑方面,主要是建立在高性能集群基础上的完备数值预报体系[40]。例如:美国大气海洋局(NOAA)计划在2023年推出WoF(Warn-onForecast)系统。该系统可为美国及其临近海域提供精细化天气预报和灾害预警——美国本土计算网格大小精细至3—10 km,全球区域内网格精细至15 km;该系统的计算需求高达1万亿亿次。中国系列海洋卫星产品在赤潮/绿潮监测、海冰监测、渔业生产和水质调查等方面也得到了全面的业务化应用。其中,HY-2产品应用于中国与欧盟的数值模式预报及多源融合产品中,而高分辨率海面温度产品在马航失联客机海上搜救保障、极地大洋航线中提供了重要的支撑保障[17]

⑥ Digital Ocean. [2018-07-20]. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DigitalOcean.


4 未来发展方向







5 结语

海洋大数据时代的到来,机遇与挑战并存。国际社会已经认识到海洋大数据科学对于人类社会发展的重要性,世界各国也意识到海洋大数据科学对国家核心竞争力的提升具有重要标志性意义。海洋大数据科学应从上、中、下游逐步攻坚克难,真正将其发展成为保障“海洋强国”“一带一路” “海陆统筹”和“军民融合”等国家战略实施的重要支撑,以及维护中国国家与人民利益的重要保障。

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