北京大学城市与环境学院 北京 100871
关键词土壤微生物学     微生物多样性     生物地球化学循环     国际土壤年    
Recent Development of Soil Microbiology and Future Perspectives
Lu Yahai     
College of Urban and Environmental Sciences, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China
Corresponding author: Lu Yahai,is a Changjiang Scholar Professor in Peking University. He obtained the National Science Fundfor Distinguished Young Scholars in2006. His researches have been focused on soil microbiology and biogeochemistry. The major advances he has achieved in the past decade include: the improvement of microbial stableisotope probing technology and its applications to rhizosphere and soil microbiology; the delineation of microbial community successions during the degradation of plant residues in anoxic rice field soil; the identificationof key organisms involved in the syntrophic oxidation of major fatty acids intermediates; the isolation of a novel methanogen species and the characterization of its key function in methanogenesis in rice field soil; the elucidation of the effects of the field managements on methanotrophs and methane oxidation. He has served as theeditorial board member for Applied and Environmental Microbiology, FEMS Microbiology Ecology, MicrobialEcology, and Soil Science and Plant Nutrition. E-mail: luyh@pku.edu.cn
Abstract:Soil is the living skin of the Earth, where inhabit numerous kinds of life, including bacteria, archaea, fungi, protozoa, invertebrates, arthropods, plants, and higher animals. They constitute a food web forming unique ecological networks sustaining the terrestrial ecosystem functioning. The diverse metabolic mechanisms of microbes serve as the core engines that drive the earth's element biogeochemical cycles. Microbial activities play the key roles in soil formation, the development of soil fertility, the remediation of soil contaminations, and the protection of soils from erosion and degradation. They also regulate the fluxes of greenhouse gases between the atmosphere and the earth. It is the soil microbiota that make soils highly active in energy and material exchanges with the atmosphere, the biosphere, the hydrosphere, and the lithosphere. The investigations into microbial diversity in soils, however, have largely lagged behind historically due to methodological limitations. Soil microbiology as a branch and a cross discipline between soil science and biology has been developed in the late nineteenth century. The development has been mainly based on the cultivation-dependent methods, including enrichment cultivation, purification and isolation, and physiological and biochemical examinations. These methods have been recognized as hallmarks in soil microbiology. Unfortunately, they are incapable to fully explore the diversity of soil microorganisms. Inevitably, the microbial diversity and function in soils have been under appreciated for over a century. It is until the early 90s of the last century that the cultivation- independent techniques has been developed and applied to soil microbiology. Various techniques, based on microbial DNA analyses, like cloning and sequencing, denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis and terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis were invented that provided a new dimension of soil microbiota investigations. It is well understood now that the cultivatable microbes account for only less than 1% of the total microbes in soils. To explore the diversity and function of the uncultivated organisms, the new generation of molecular technologies including high throughput sequencing and single cell technology is being developed. Novel cultivation techniques targeting the difficult-to-cultivate organisms are also under development. Overall, the beginning of the 21th century marks an unprecedented revolution of soil microbiology. The 2015 International Year of Soils is an occasion to celebrate the development of soil science and raise the awareness of Earth's soil and its function to humanity. It is a great opportunity to prepare a review on the progresses of soil microbiology, which is perhaps by far the fastest developing subdiscipline of soil sciences in the last few decades. Due to the space and knowledge limits, however, it is impossible to give a comprehensive review on this topic. Instead, in this review I focused only to a few selected topics. Firstly, I discussed the exponential expanding of the understanding of soil microbial diversity. Microbial diversity is the core theme in soil microbiology. Understanding the vast diversity is the basis for predicting and managing the functioning of soil microbiota. The expanding of this field is largely facilitated by the rapid evolution of molecular ecological technologies. Secondly, I outlined the major advances in deciphering the microbial mechanisms for C and N biogeochemical cycles. Microbial C and N transformations are closely related to soil fertility and greenhouse gas production. These processes also influence the environmental quality. Many advances have been achieved in the past decades in identifying the key microbes and mechanisms of both C and N cycling in soil. The pathways of microbial C and N transformations are basically different between upland soils and water-lodged soils and hence are discussed separately. Thirdly, an overview of the development of soil microbiology in China is given. Since the last decade, the National Natural Science Foundation of China has focused a special attention to soil microbiology. This has greatly promoted the development of this field in China. Lastly, I put forward a few suggestions and challenges for the further development of soil microbiology. These include the scaling of microbial processes from the molecular level to the ecosystem level and beyond, elucidating the mechanisms and theories of microbial adaptations to environmental changes, identifying the novel organisms and pathways of microbial C and N transformations, and the further development and innovation of methodology for soil microbiology.
Key words: soil microbiology     microbial diversity     biogeochemical cycles     international year of soils    

土壤微生物包括细菌、真菌和原生动物等,其生物多样性极其丰富。土壤微生物在陆地表层的服务功能包括:降解有机质、驱动养分循环、转化各种污染物质等。土壤微生物还是陆地生态系统物质循环的驱动者[1],是土壤肥力形成和持续发展的基础[2]。目前已知每克土壤中微生物的数量可达上百亿个,种类可达上百万种[3, 4, 5],被公认是地球系统生物多样性最为复杂和丰富的环境。正因如此,土壤成为地球系统物质转化最为活跃的圈层,土壤圈被认为是大气圈、水圈、岩石圈和生物圈之间相互作用的枢纽[6]。土壤中发生的各种生物地球化学过程影响和调控着全球气候变化、粮食供给和安全性、土壤的退化和修复、水土资源的保持和保护、污染物的迁移转化,影响着人类社会的可持续发展[7]。我国过去30多年的经济发展取得了巨大成就,但存在经济发展和环境保护不平衡的问题。当前,粮食安全、环境污染、淡水资源紧缺、生物多样性锐减等各种问题并存,解决我国的可持续发展问题已迫在眉睫。土壤微生物学的深入研究可为我国生态环境的可持续性发展提供基础理论和技术途径。1 土壤微生物分子生物学研究方法的发展

显微镜技术的发明和分离培养技术的发展奠定了20世纪土壤微生物学科发展的基础。但直到20世纪90年代,人们才渐渐理解土壤中存在巨大的微生物多样性和功能。20世纪后半叶,美国科学家伍斯(Woese)提出细胞的核糖体RNA序列可作为生命进化的分子计时器,创立了生命三域概念[8, 9],为地球生物多样性的系统研究提供了全新视角。基于伍斯理论,微生物学家发展了基于16S rRNA测序的分子生物学研究技术,相关方法被迅速应用于土壤微生物多样性的研究,大量研究表明,通过传统方法了解的微生物实际上不足自然界存在的1%[4]。16S rRNA就像“活”化石,使人们认识到土壤中蕴含巨大的生物多样性,是地球系统微生物“暗物质”的重要组成部分[10, 11, 12, 13]。为探测土壤微生物的群落多样性和生态功能,21世纪初以来,各种新的研究方法迅速发展,从基于16S rRNA序列分析的各种方法,到稳定同位素探针技术和环境元(宏)基因组学技术[14, 15, 16],爆发了一场探索土壤微生物种类和功能的革命。使土壤微生物学迅速成为土壤学、生态学、微生物学和环境科学等学科最为活跃的交叉发展前沿。现代土壤生物学的研究正在为阐明地球系统的生源要素循环,促进土壤资源的可持续利用,理解全球变化及影响,发展污染环境的生物修复技术提供强有力的科学依据和手段。本文试图从土壤微生物多样性和元素生物地球化学循环两个方面,讨论近年来土壤微生物学领域的主要研究进展和发展趋势。有关土壤生物与土壤肥力培育、土壤污染修复和全球变化等问题的研究进展,请参考最近的详细评述文献[17][18] 2 土壤微生物多样性和功能研究

门是生物分类的最高分类单元,随着土壤分子生物学方法的发展和应用,人们对微生物多样性的认识得到不断发展。20多年前,学术界认为地球原核生物可分为14个门,目前海量的环境基因组数据表明,环境中原核生物的种类至少在100个门以上[9, 10]。而土壤含有最为复杂和多样的微生物种类。20世纪90年代初,人们推测1吨土壤样品中包含7000种不同的原核生物类群,但到21世纪初,基于大量数据的统计学模型预测显示,1吨土壤中至少包含100万种不同的原核生物类群[4, 5]。为便于快速鉴定微生物群落的多样性和结构特征,土壤微生物学家发展了许多基于生物标记物指纹图谱的分析方法,包括:磷脂脂肪酸指纹分析技术,限制性片段长度多态性分析技术,变性梯度凝胶电泳和温度梯度凝胶电泳等。至今,以16S或18S rRNA为基础,围绕不同地域或不同土壤类型(如农田、草地和森林),土壤微生物学家开展了大量微生物群落结构和多样性的研究[19, 20]。对于土壤中特殊功能的微生物类群,则采用功能基因作为分子标记物,开展了功能基因多样性和微生物群落结构的研究。

为了克服微生物原位研究的困难,土壤微生物学家还把生物标记分子与光学显微技术相结合,创新发展了一系列研究方法,如激光共聚焦技术、荧光原位杂交技术等[21, 22],这些技术将分子荧光的可视性与显微技术相结合,扫除了原位研究土壤微生物的物种数量、组成比例、时空分布、种群特征和群落结构等的障碍。相关研究不仅促进了植物-土壤-微生物相互作用的研究进展[23, 24],而且推动了微生物-矿物界面相互作用的研究[25],通过微观结构的动态观测使人们能够了解土壤结构成分与微生物活性相互作用及其与生态系统功能的联系。另外,稳定同位素示踪和分子标记物分析相结合的方法也得到广泛应用。DNA同位素探针技术,磷脂脂肪酸同位素质谱耦联技术(PLFA-GC-MS),纳米次级离子质谱技术(NanoSIMS)等的应用[26, 27],显著推动了功能微生物种群结构和多样性的研究。土壤生物学家发现关键土壤生态功能并非一定取决于土壤中的优势菌群,揭示了微生物菌群结构和数量与土壤生态功能之间的非线性规律。3 元素生物地球化学循环的驱动机制

土壤中碳、氮、磷、硫、铁等生源要素的生物地球化学循环影响到地球各圈层间物质交换的动态平衡和稳定性,是土壤生物学领域的前沿研究方向之一。土壤生物介导的生物地球化学过程不仅取决于土壤生物的生物量周转过程,而且与土壤生物所拥有的特殊代谢过程紧密相关。这些特殊代谢模式包括:铁、硫和硝酸盐的厌氧呼吸作用,铁、硫和氨的化能无机营养作用,有机物质的发酵、厌氧氧化和产甲烷作用等。不同微生物类型通过完成这些代谢而获得能量需求,这些代谢系统是驱动土壤中相关元素转化与循环的引擎[1]。近10多年来,国内外在土壤碳、氮、铁等元素的生物地球化学研究领域取得了一系列重要进展。3.1 土壤生物与碳循环

碳循环是近年来倍受关注的土壤学基本科学问题之一,土壤中有机物质的转化、分解和积累不仅直接影响土壤肥力的发展和演化,而且影响全球碳循环、温室气体排放和气候变化。国内外开展了大量土壤呼吸及其影响因子的研究,揭示了植物-土壤系统光合同化碳的转移分配规律[24],并在不同地理气候区域开展了大量土壤碳循环的模型模拟研究。揭示了参与土壤碳循环的关键微生物群落结构和机理。在全球变化背景下,土壤呼吸通量的响应和演变尤其受到学术界的关注,一些大尺度的模型模拟表明,全球范围内近20年来,陆地CO2排放通量的增加与气温增加呈显著正相关,但不同区域CO2排放通量对温度的敏感性保持高度一致[28, 29, 30]。这些研究结果强烈暗示,土壤微生物呼吸(CO2排放)对全球气候变化的响应存在普适性规律。

在缺氧土壤(如湿地和水稻土),有机物质发生厌氧降解、形成甲烷。由于甲烷是大气重要的温室气体之一,近20年来,学术界针对缺氧土壤有机质降解和甲烷产生机理开展了大量研究,尤其在产甲烷微生物的研究方面获得了一系列突破。欧美科学家针对北半球湿地特别是泥炭沼泽地的甲烷产生和排放机理开展了系统研究,通过分子生物学和传统分离培养相结合的方法,探明了北半球典型酸性泥炭土中起关键作用的产甲烷古菌群落[31, 32, 33, 34]。德国、日本和我国科学家则对水稻田的产甲烷过程机理开展了大量研究,研究者发现在水稻土中起关键作用的并非传统菌群,而是一类新型产甲烷古菌,对该类古菌的分离培养突破了产甲烷古菌的传统分类体系[35, 36, 37, 38, 39],为调控稻田甲烷产生和排放提供了理论基础。3.2 土壤生物与氮循环

氮是生命必需的营养元素,土壤氮生物地球化学过程与农业生产紧密相关。土壤氮的生物转化由固氮作用、硝化-反硝化作用、氨化作用和矿化作用等过程组成,其中氨氧化是农业土壤中氮循环的重要环节。近年来,国际上氨氧化研究的一个重要突破是发现和分离培养了氨氧化古菌[40, 41]。长期以来细菌被认为是氨氧化过程的唯一执行者,氨氧化古菌的发现突破了该传统理论。对分离培养的氨氧化古菌的研究表明,尽管它们具有氧化铵离子或游离氨的能力,但在细胞内未检测到中间产物-羟胺,表明氨氧化古菌拥有一套不同于氨氧化细菌的特殊代谢途径。同时,大量田间和实验室的模拟实验表明,氨氧化古菌在某些特殊土壤条件下,如酸性土壤中起绝对重要的作用[42]。土壤古菌参与氨氧化过程的发现不仅改变了细菌介导氨氧化过程的传统观点,而且引发了更多的基础理论研究和思考,对氨氧化古菌生态功能的探寻已成为目前微生物氮循环过程的研究热点之一[42, 43, 44, 45, 46]。除碳氮以外,国内外对磷铁硫等元素的微生物转化过程和循环也开展了大量研究。菌根真菌是陆地生态系统最典型的植物-微生物共生体,有研究表明在森林和草原土壤系统,菌根真菌不仅在土壤磷素转化和移动方面起极端重要的作用,而且在碳氮循环中也扮演重要角色[19]。土壤中铁硫循环由特殊微生物菌群介导,如铁还原菌必需具备胞外电子传递的能力[25]。铁硫循环往往与碳氮转化联系在一起,目前国际上一个发展趋势是针对土壤碳氮铁硫磷元素的耦合过程机理开展系统性研究,这些新的研究趋势无疑更符合“土壤-微生物”复杂体系相互作用的真实情景。4 中国的土壤微生物学研究发展




总之,近年来我国土壤生物学领域已取得了可喜进展。但整体上,与国际发展状况相比,仍有一定差距。整体研究力量还较薄弱,缺乏高水准研究平台;许多研究项目以跟进为主,原创较少;对一些重大基础科学问题缺乏足够研究积累。5 土壤生物学未来发展的思考






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46 宋长青, 吴金水, 陆雅海, 等. 中国土壤微生物学研究10 年回顾. 地球科学进展, 2013, 28:1087-1105."
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