Virtual Water-A Strategic Instrument to Achieve Water Security
Virtual Water-A Strategic Instrument to Achieve Water Security
程国栋(中国科学院寒区旱区环境与工程研究所冻土工程国家重点实验室 兰州730000)
virtual water;virtual water strategy;water security;water management;northwest arid zones of China
Virtual water is the water used in the production process of goods and services, and virtual water strategy means countries or regions whose water is scarce achieve their water security and food security by importing water-intensive products from those whose water is abundant. As an attractive instrument to water scarce countries, virtual water has received more and more attention and been applied to relieve the pressure on the nation’s own water resource and solve food scarcity. The paper first introduced the concept of virtual water, and classified the water management into supply management, demand management, inter-structure management and socialization management, and the relationship of water management and natural resource reconstruction was analyzed in theory. The consumptions of virtual water in the very four provinces in northwest China has been calculated and analyzed as a pilot case study, which showed that virtual water should be an important component of water resource. The last section discussed the implication of virtual water strategy for the northwest arid zones in China, and several suggestions have been put forward as the end of the paper.