
Status Quo of Research and Suggestions on Reduction of Non-CO2 Greenhouse Gas Emission from Chinese Farmland
        张广斌 马静 徐华 颜晓元
        farmland, carbon peak, non-CO2 GHG emissions, emission reduction technologies, emission reduction suggestions
        温室气体减排对控制全球气候变暖具有重要意义。2014 年我国农田非 CO2 温室气体(主要指 CH4 和 N2O)排放占全国温室气体排放总量的 4.3%,预计 2030 年我国实现碳达峰后,化石能源逐步被清洁能源替 代,农田 CH4 和 N2O 排放占全国温室气体排放的比重也将随之增大,其减排的紧迫性和重要性将日渐凸显。 然而,现有农田碳减排技术由于缺乏立法教育宣传和成果激励机制等,并未得到充分转化应用与推广示范, 使得减排成果难以落地坐实,不利于我国农业碳减排目标的顺利实现。文章总结了我国农田 CH4 和 N2O 减排 工作的研究进展,指出了当前我国农田 CH4 和 N2O 减排所面临的问题,并在今后长效监测平台运维、新方法 技术突破、大众减排意识提升及成果推广示范加强 4 个方面提出了技术和政策上的建议。
        The mitigation of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions is of great significance for controlling global warming. In 2014, the CH4 and N2O emissions from farmland accounted for 4.3% of the total GHG emissions in China. After the carbon peak target in 2030, fossil energy in China will be gradually replaced by clean energy, and then the contribution of CH4 and N2O emissions from farmland will be enlarged, leaving that the urgency and importance of emission reduction becomes increasingly prominent. However, available technologies of emission mitigation have not been fully adopted and promoted due to the lack of legislation, education, publicity, achievement incentive mechanism, etc. The current situation makes the mitigation achievements fail to be implemented, thus being adverse to the smooth realization of national agriculture carbon mitigation goals. This study first summarizes the research progress of CH4 and N2O emission reduction in Chinese farmland and then points out the current problems of CH4 and N2O reduction. Finally, technical and policy suggestions are raised in four aspects: Operation and maintenance of long-term monitoring platform, the breakthrough of new methods and technologies, improvement of public awareness of emission reduction, and promotion and demonstration of achievements.
中国科学院南京土壤研究所副研究员。中国科学院青年创新促进会会员。中国土壤学会 优秀青年学者奖和中国科学院院长优秀奖获得者。主要从事稻田甲烷排放过程机理及其减控技术 研究。发表学术论文 70 余篇,其中以第一或通讯作者在Soil Biology & Biochemistry、Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics、Journal of Geophysical Research、《中国科学:地球科学》等期刊发表论文 37 篇,参与中文专著编写 3 部。主持国家自然科学基金项目 3 个,参与国家重点研发计划项目、 中国科学院战略性先导科技专项等。
ZHANG Guangbin
Ph.D., Associate Professor of Institute of Soil Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), member of Youth Innovation Promotion Association of CAS, and winner of Excellent Young Scholar Award of Chinese Soil Society and President Prize of CAS for Excellent Ph.D. Graduates. His research mainly focuses on the process and mechanism of CH4 emissions from rice fields and the corresponding reduction and control technology. He has published over 70 papers (37 of them are first or corresponding authors in Soil Biology & Biochemistry, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, Journal of Geophysical Research, and Science China: Earth Sciences) and participated in the compilation of 3 Chinese books. He has undertaken 3 projects of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), takes part in the Key Research and Development Program of China and the “Strategic Priority Research Program” of CAS, etc.

中国科学院南京土壤研究所副所长、研究员、博士生导师。长期从事土壤碳氮生物地球化 学循环、农业温室气体排放、农业面源污染等研究。2014 年获国家杰出青年基金资助,2020 年入 选国家百千万人才工程。现任中国土壤学会常务副理事长兼秘书长与氮素工作组主任,中国科学 院青联副主席,《土壤》主编,《农业资源与环境学报》副主编,Environmental Research Letters、 Pedosphere、Biochar 编委。发表包括 Nature、PNAS、GCB 等在内的 SCI 收录论文 160 多篇,引用 11 000 余次;主、参编中英文专著 4 部;荣获国家自然科学奖二等奖、江苏省自然科学奖一等奖和 日本农林水产省国际青年农业科学家奖等。
YAN Xiaoyuan
Professor, Doctorate Supervisor, Deputy Director of Institute of Soil Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). His research focuses on soil carbon and nitrogen cycling, greenhouse gas emissions, and agricultural non-point source pollution. He was an awardee of National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars (2014), and National Millions of Talents Program (2020). He is currently the Executive Vice President and Secretary General of Soil Science Society of China (SSSC), the Director of Nitrogen Working Group of SSSC, and the Vice President of the Youth Association of CAS. He serves as co-Editor-in-chief of Soil and Journal of Agricultural Resources and Environment, editorial board of Environmental Research Letters, Pedosphere, and Biochar journals. He has published over 160 peer-reviewed papers, including Nature、PNAS、GCB papers indexed by Scientific Citation Index with more than 11 000 citations; and authored/co-authored 4 academic books. He has received one second-class award of National Natural Science of China, one first-class award of Natural Science of Jiangsu Province, and Japan International Award for Young Agricultural Researchers, etc.